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December 2011, Issue 4
In This Issue
Video for Partners
Health Promoter Program
Volunteer for our Summer Trip!
Goodbye to Carol Doane and Margaret Ellis

Video for Partners

PRHDR has contracted with Veloz Media to produce a professional product to promote our efforts of engaging, empowering, and educating our Dominican Partners. Rebecca Marvil, who has helped on several previous trips as an interpreter,  is an accomplished videographer who has won awards for her video talents  Camera man with Veloz Media, Miguel Aponte-Rios will join her. They will be accompanying this January trip to film footage for a 5 minute video clip which we can use on our web-page as well as help with fund-raising campaigns to "get the word out" as to who we are and what we do. Please help us move PRHDR forward in this 21st century with a professionally developed product to help us help those in need. You may mail in a donation or go on-line at and pay with paypal.
Thank You to our Sponsors for the January 2012 Trip!   

Trip Sponsors
North Atlantic Capital
Martin's Point Health Care

Clinic Sponsors
Baldacci Group
Rob & Marcia Chaffee
East Brown Cow Management
Gordon & Anne Grimes
Whitney & Bob Lutz
North Atlantic Insurance Associates
Retina Center of Maine
Sandy & Jill Spaulding
Stanford Management
Steuer Management
Tolley Group, Inc.
University of Southern Maine
Waterville Pediatrics
Steve & Jane Wendel


elizabeth baldacci with Martins Point CEO
Board member, Elizabeth Baldacci with David Howes, MD, President/CEO of Martin's Point Health Care, one of PRHDR's Trip Sponsors for January 2012
Through the generosity of John & Patrice Fallon, we were able to offer for auction 2 Red Sox tickets located directly behind the Red Sox dugout. Dr. Mark Balles, Retina Center of Maine, won the tickets and a very generous amount was raised for the January 2012 trip! Thank you!!

Health Promoter Program

Did you know that between trips, when PRHDR is not in the Dominican Republic, our partnership with the Peace Corps allows us to continue educating the health promoters from the villages we serve? With the assistance of Peace Corps volunteer, Connie Alfaro, last fall and spring, health promoters from thirteen villages met at Fusimana for two days on three consecutive months for two semesters. They participated in intense training of core curriculum on basic anatomy, adult and pediatric physical assessment, vital signs, nutrition, minor acute illnesses as well as common chronic illness: diabetes, hypertension, asthma. They also attended a First Aid Course taught by the Red Cross Director from Santiago. health promoters 2
Pictured here are the graduates from 2011 receiving their certificates.
health promoters 1
Pictured here are Connie Alfaro, Peace Corps, Demaris Martinez, Health Promoter from Tinajitas with Whitney Lutz, President of PRHDR.

To read more about this program, click here.

 We're full for the January 2012 trip! We would love to see you on our summer trip. For more information, please visit our website.


P.O. Box 1742
Portland, Maine 04104
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Happy Holidays from all of us at PRHDR!
Interview with PRHDR volunteer, Dave Hotstream

When Dave Hotstream was asked if there was a special moment he would always remember about his time in the DR with Partners, he shares, "On my first mission, we were on our way to one of the more remote mountain villages and the trucks got stuck in the mud and couldn't go any further. Instead of turning back, we unloaded everything-medicine, equipment, chairs-and carried it all on our backs, uphill through the mud. I can still remember carrying this massive heavy bag, ankle deep in mud so we could bring medical care to this community and thinking, 'THIS is what I want to do with my life'." Before his time in the Peace Corps and with PRHDR, he admits, "A career in nursing had never even crossed my mind. By my second mission, I knew it was what I was going to do as soon as I got back to the States." Prior to that "aha" moment, Dave held a variety of jobs from graphic designer, carpet delivery, Bourbon Street bar doorman to beekeeper. He proudly states," I am from New Orleans, still live there now, and always will."

It was a lucky day for PRHDR when Dave, then a Peace Corps volunteer, walked into his first clinic in 2002. He had never heard of us before. When Dave reported to work that day he says, "I hadn't planned on going but I got an email from the Peace Corps Medical Mission team saying that some people had to cancel and they were desperate for more interpreters, so I got on a guagua and headed over." Since that fortuitous email that led him to us, Dave has returned to the medical missions of PRHDR thirteen times over the past nine years. In the beginning, he volunteered as an interpreter. Later he came as a student, and then, as an RN. "Now, I am a Home Visit Team Leader."

 Inspired to come back year after year, Dave adds, "I love the focus on continuity of care, and the fact that every time I go back, in every community, I see people I know and who remember me." They remember him because he has a huge heart. His return to Partners represents commitment, loyalty, and caring at its best. Dave embodies the spirit and intent of the PRHDR mission and he has inspired countless volunteers and co-workers. He is a confirmation of our sincerest goals and our promise to make a difference in the long term health and quality of life of the people we serve in the Dominican Republic. He is a dedicated volunteer and continues to bring his knowledge, enthusiasm, and compassion to our missions. He is an inspiration to all of us and we congratulate Dave for recognizing his potential and following his dream.  When he is not sharing his talents with PRHDR, Dave works as a RN at Tulane Medical Center in the Abdominal Transplant Unit
PRHDR bids farewell to Carol Doane and Margaret Ellis


margaret and carol

        "Deep in December it's nice to remember
         Wthout the hurt the heart is hollow."

Today, the lyrics from the song Try to Remember hold more meaning. While we put our personal final touches on the last days of 2011, we continue to bear a deep sadness as we let go of two precious individuals, Carol Doane and Margaret Ellis. The saying "life is short" comes to mind. Short, yet their reach was long and they managed to touch the hearts of thousands. As PRHDR contemplates the first step forward in the wake of the loss of Carol and Margaret, we feel their presence. The love, compassion, and dedication that pervaded every clinic under their leadership will cast a steady stream of light on the road ahead.
"Deep in December our hearts should
remember and follow."

Click here to read Carol's obituary
Click here to read Margaret's obituary
In our next issue:
  • Tidbits from the January 2012 trip
  • Meet our four new Board members
  • Read about the Carol Pike Doane Memorial Scholarship Award
  • Be inspired by an interview with superstar volunteer, Dr. Pat Patterson

Thank you:
 Connie Alfaro, Peace Corps Volunteer for Health Promoter Program, Rebecca Marvil,  Cindy Robertson,  for her photos of the Community Leaders, 
and Dave Hotstream for sharing his story.

�2011 Partners for Rural Health in the Dominican Republic | Tax ID: 26-1528035