Power Lines E-Newsletter
Issue #141, October 2016
Pick Your Favorite Photos in the
2017 PUD Calendar Photo Contest

Would you like to help select the photos that will appear in our 2017 calendar? You may vote online, or stop by our office in October from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Find Hidden Energy Waste with a Free Evaluation

Our Energy Experts recently discovered a leaking water heater while conducting a free home energy evaluation for Blaine in St. Helens.

"We are very grateful for CRPUD's energy evaluation," Blaine said. "A water leak could have caused thousands of dollars worth of damage."

We offer free energy evaluations to PUD customers with electric heat. To schedule your appointment, call (503) 366-5470, or email [email protected].

Learn About 
Low-Income Assistance

We offer four different means of low-income assistance to our qualifying customers. 

We offer the GLOW Fund, a Special Waiver, a Low-Income Senior Discount, and we partner with Community Action Team for more savings.

For program specifics, visit www.crpud.net/assistance.
Be Prepared: What to P ut in a
Home Emergency Kit

If the power goes out, are you equipped? Most people have the necessities to make it through a short power outage - candles, puzzles, snacks - but might not be ready if a major storm or other disaster causes an extended outage.

You and your family will be safer and more comfortable if you make a home emergency kit. Find suggestions for what to include in your kit at www.crpud.net/kit.
How You Can Lower Your Bills this Winter

It's time to winterize your home. Keep a few extra dollars in your bank account this winter by following our energy efficiency tips