Pacific Angler Weekly Fishing Report
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Photo of the Week

Featured Photo - A nice coho caught on the fly. Fish like this are entering the rivers now with the Fall rains and will continue to push in all through October and November.

To submit your photo for a chance to see it featured please email them to and provide a brief description of the angler, the catch, what it was caught on, and the location.

The Pacific Angler Outlook for January 29th, 2009 The Pacific Angler Outlook for Late September, 2011

We have seen a real transition this last week as those hot late summer days of September have melted away, replaced by cooler temperatures and overcast, rainy days. These are the signs that the Fall salmon fisherman have been waiting for, it signals the start of the river fishing! Every bump of rain is going to bring in fresh runs of chinook, coho, and chum...

Full outlook:

River Fishing Report River Fishing Report

All the local rivers are going to have excellent fishing in the next 4-8 weeks depending on run timing and weather patterns. We are fully stocked with all the latest river fishing gear for float fishing, spin fishing, fly fishing and spey fishing. For expert advice on exactly what to use come by the shop or simply give us a call...

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Saltwater Fishing ReportSaltwater Fishing Report

The best fishing this time of year is usually at the mouth of the Capilano River and W. Van area for coho and chinook. We have been doing well for chinook with anchovy and herring in teaser heads, 6-8 foot leader, and a glow flasher, all just off the bottom. Most of these big chinook will sit fairly close to the...

Full report:

Lake Fishing ReportLake Fishing Report

As we enter Fall we have some of the best lake fishing of the year with almost no pressure. Many anglers are chasing salmon, hunting, or simply have already gotten their lake "fix" in the Spring. This is too bad as all those huge Kamloops rainbows are feeding heavily, packing on the pounds before a long winter...

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