from the
National House of Prayer

Parliament Hill will be a beehive of activity when the Members of Parliament and Senators return on September 18th (September 19 for the Senate). 

Unlike the end of the session in June -- where tempers are short, people are tired, and the workload is overwhelming -- the fall session usually begins with parliamentarians in good spirits, rested and ready to get back to work. 

Pray for your government
  • Pray for our parliamentarians to have encounters with the living God that would awaken their hearts to Him and redirect their passion, vision and policies to line up with His priorities.
  • Pray for the families of parliamentarians as they get back into the busy season; that their marriages would be strong, their children would flourish, and there would be great grace upon them. 
Pray for the church
  • Pray that God would awaken in the church a heart of compassion for those in government and that we would pray for our government out of from a place of passion for the lost and a burden for the broken.
Pray for NHOP
  • Pray for new and renewed connections for NHOP with Parliamentarians and Hill staffers. Pray for favour, open doors, and strategic opportunities for NHOP staff, prayer missionaries and interns.


Freedom of belief is a fundamental freedom necessary for a healthy democracy, and is vital for the spread of the gospel. In Canada, we have a solid foundation of freedom of belief and yet these freedoms continue face challenges.

Surprisingly, much of the opposition does not come from the courts (which have been strong defenders of religious freedom) or from the federal government (which has repeatedly voiced it support for freedom of belief). Rather, it is increasingly surfacing through provincial and municipal governments, agencies and institutions, and from voices of intolerance and fear at the grassroots level.

Pray for your government
  • Pray for parliamentarians, that they would have the wisdom and courage to protect our fundamental values, and not be pressed to make laws or policies just to appease the voices of fear and intolerance.
Pray for the church
  • Pray that the church will understand and embrace the freedom that it has to stand for the values of God, both in the public square and in the marketplace. If we don't use it, we could lose it.
Pray for NHOP
  • Pray for divine opportunities for NHOP staff, prayer missionaries and interns to connect with parliamentarians and Hill staffers on this issue. Pray for God-given prayer strategies and insights.


As we cover our nation and government in prayer, following are some additional important things to remember in prayer as well:

New Federal Cabinet

The Prime Minister announced new cabinet ministers earlier this week, along with some new positions for some of the existing ministers.
  • Pray for a smooth transition as those with new assignments come up to speed on their portfolios. 
  • Pray for cabinet ministers to have wisdom, insight and understanding in their portfolios.

New Shadow Cabinet

The Leader of the Opposition, Andrew Scheer, announced his new shadow cabinet this week.
  • Pray that the members of the shadow cabinet will have wisdom, insight and understanding in their portfolios as they keep the government accountable. 
  • Pray that their work will be grounded in truth and integrity, which exemplifies honourable statesmanship not petty politics.

NDP Leadership

The NDP are in the process of choosing their new leader. This leader will lead the NDP into the next election and be an important voice in public policy debates.
  • Pray that God would strategically position the right leader in this role.
  • Pray for the new leader to be a role model of integrity and service in the public square. 
Forest fires and flooding

(Forest fires as of August 31, 2017)

Forest fires continue to be a serious challenge across the country, from Ontario to BC and up in  the Territories. At the same time, other parts of the country are experiencing flooding, and of course we can't forget our American neighbours to the south, battling the impact of Hurricane Harvey.
  • Pray for wisdom, strength and endurance for those dealing with these challenges -- both those on the ground and those coordinating the efforts. 
  • Pray for those who have been displaced by fire or flood, that their practical needs would be met and that these tragic situations would result in good fruit in people's lives.


The laws of a nation play a significant role in determining what the culture looks like and what kind of behaviour is normalized. There are a number of laws which are working their way through the process that need to be covered in prayer:

1. Bill C-45: Legalization of marijuana