Are you ready to move into the next level in your life?


This month in our
Healing Corner

  • A Gift to yourself this Holiday Season! 10 steps to begin Liking Yourself again!
  • Reiki III workshop  January 11th, 2017
  • Reiki II workshop January 25th, 2017
  • Special Offer/Coupon for December -  Claim your *FREE Session! - GIFT CERTIFICATES available!
  • Holiday Office Closures - The office will be closed 12/21/16 -01/06/17. Happy Holidays!
A Gift to Yourself 

You go to work and put in a full day. Then there is the  house to clean, dinner to make, feed the animals, drive your kids to their after school activities and spend time with your other half. The grocery run, put gas in the car, pick up the dry cleaning and fold the clothes. And then there is the holiday shopping. Shall I continue....? I am out of breath just thinking of it all. Of course there are tons of things on our list and who is going to do them all if we spend an hour laying on a massage table and feel guilty about all the things we could be doing instead!
Have you ever considered however, that keeping your precious mind and body running smoothly can help you be calmer, faster and more efficient at what you do? And that you could be taking care of your chores with a smile on your face because you had some time to relax and feel better about it all?

Keeping your precious mind and body relaxed and running smoothly can help you be calmer, faster and more efficient at what you do. It also makes you happier!

An hour of down time can energize you for days to come!
And if you don't believe me give it a try.
My schedule is so full that if I don't write everything in my calendar I am bound to forget the most important things. The promise I have made to myself however in the last few years, is that at least once if not twice a month I will have a session/appointment that helps me stay rejuvenated and stops me from going crazy. Sometimes it is a massage, an energy medicine session, an ayurvedic treament or some cranial sacral therapy. These appointments helps me stay focused, regain my energy levels, let go of stress and breathe easier. And once a week I put some time aside for "ME". To do something that is fun and that revives my spirit. Perhaps it is some time to read a book, sit at my bench and gaze at the mountains, take a walk, or watch something funny on TV.
And you know what? The only way I have found to stay consistent with honoring myself adequately to where I have enough energy to be content and to serve others is to pencil myself in on my calendar. Sounds a little extreme? Yes. But sometimes, even by putting an hour or so for ME down in my book will not guarantee I get that "free" time. Because we are creatures of habit. When that reminder shows up on your calendar, your first inclination might be to say something like "Oh yeah, it's ME time. But I'm too busy right now so I'll start next week". Or "Ugh, I don't have time for this right now", and work right through it. It happens to the best of us.

Here are 10 steps to ease into Liking yourself again and allowing some "ME" time into your precious calendar.
  1. First and foremost be ok with the thought that you are penciling yourself into your busy schedule. YES, you deserve it.
  2. Second, pick a time that you are likely to stick with, and be consistent with it. Since I am self employed I chose my day off to be Monday. It's my day to run my errands, schedule my appointments and mentally prepare my week.
  3. Make it a recurring appointment. Let's say every Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon you take some time for just you. You can go for a walk, or watch the game, or go window shopping. Or whatever helps you relax, and it might not even cost you a dime.
  4. And once or twice a month you schedule a much needed relaxation appointment. An energy work session, a massage, reflexology, cranial sacral appointment or whatever you feel helps you move through pain and helps you feel good. And if cash flow is an issue, perhaps you can find someone to trade services with. It can be a win - win.
  5. Be persistent. If you miss it the first few times that you scheduled on your calendar, that's ok. Give yourself a chance to get used to the new idea and the new and "improved" schedule.
  6. Your "ME" time can be as little as one hour a week , one day a week or an hour or two each day. Pick what feels good and needed and what you are likely to stick with. And you can grow from there.
  7. Make sure you block that time off on your calendar. Resist the urge to "fit" something in that slot. Work around it. This is YOUR time and you need to spend it doing something you love. And that does not include cleaning the house or helping a buddy with a project.
  8. Enjoy every minute of it. You do become accustomed to that time of self indulgence and relaxation and your body rhythm changes and becomes calmer and life runs smoother.Have fun with it.
  9. Give it time to sync in. Your "ME" time will become a necessity just as much as everything else on your calendar.
  10. Share this idea with others. Wouldn't it be lovely if we all became more relaxed, enjoyed life more and became more efficient but happy in our ways?
I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and may you be showered with fun and joyful times with family and friends!

And, if I do not see you until next year, may the New Year fulfill a

ll your wishes and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

Much Love to all of YOU, 
Corinna ♥

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