October 2017, Issue 19

Sandbags,  Suffering, 
Epidurals, and Every Breath You Take
Breaking one rib is bad. Breaking two ribs is worse. Breaking at least two ribs in at least two places is even worse. And that's the classic definition of flail chest. Let's take a look at how we recognize it and how we
treat it...


Scott DeBoer's
Peds Pearls 
"Tear-out Tips, Tricks & Treasures from the Trenches"

"[This] book should be required reading for all ED nursing staff in every hospital!..."
-Bonnie Lundblom, Nurse Consultant: eBroselow

A pediatric emergency teaching tool that is written in short, easy to understand pages with useful pediatric information that can be read quickly and put into practice immediately! 52 full-color 11x17 posters that can be placed in the places education really gets done... 
Bathrooms, Break Rooms, or Bulletin Boards! 

Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse

Review Webinars!
Did you hear! Scott's Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse Seminar is now available ONLINE! Take the full 6.0 credit course, with bonus Miscellaneous Medical and Pediatric Pearls and Jeopardy Jewels modules, or pick and choose your curriculum! Starting at just $20! Click the link to find out more! Start Learning!

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