Penland Student becomes Penland Instructor 
- letter from Amir Friedman -

May 1, 2013


To whom it may concern,



I have been most fortunate to meet Aviva Ben Sira of AIDA in late 2011 during my solo exhibition. This encounter has been more than fruitful and has certainly furthered my learning process as a maker, and has helped establish my studio.


This past July I was sent as an AIDA scholar to one of the most enchanting places I have ever been to and definitely the most interesting institution, Penland School of Crafts, North Carolina. As I have written you in the past, the chance to meet designers and makers from around the world has contributed a great deal to my design work. It has been a pivotal stepping stone in my career.


The course I was enrolled in at Penland was fascinating and inspiring. As a result of my visit I have been invited to teach a workshop of my own this coming July. The invitation alone of an Israeli lecturer to teach in an establishment so highly regarded as Penland School of crafts is proof of the importance of AIDA's lobby for Israeli designers.


The class I have constructed, Kinetic Adornments, is very dynamic and deals with movement within jewelry and objects. There is also an emphasis on the user-wearer experience with the jewel and the new dynamics created when the piece is worn.


I am writing this letter because if it weren't for the generous support given to me by AIDA, I would not be able to embark on this journey this summer and teach at Penland. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you.



Amir Friedman

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- Dale & Doug 

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