Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic  Newsletter
 Number 65 * November 2014
2570 W. El Camino Real * Suite 111 * Mountain View, CA 94040 * 650-917-1121 
The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care


With this issue of the newsletter we welcome a new addition to our staff:.Jessica Morse will now be sharing front desk duties with long-time employee, Nancy Flood. 
Jessica loves to travel, cook, hike, do yoga, Qigong, and lucid dream.  She lives with her twin sister, her dog, Bear, and her cat, Lea. Jessica grew up in Palo Alto and loves living in the beautiful Bay Area. She is studying psychology at John F. Kennedy University.

Nicole will still be with us, but not behind the front desk. In October, Nicole began her first year of acupuncture school  -- a time intensive endeavor. So starting in January, Nicole will be offering individual yoga therapy instruction and will also continue counseling our patients in nutrition for cancer and diabetes.

In this issue of the newsletter, Dr. Connie muses on the historical roles of plants, Dr. Marcel discusses plant forms that are not foods, Dr. Corrine talks of plants and food as medicine, and Dr. Connie discusses a few healing plants in simple forms.

Nicole writes about Seasonal "Farmaceuticals," Jane discusses weight loss and the subconscious, and Carlene offers approaches to dealing with food cravings.

Just what our readers wanted: a food issue just before the holidays. Have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving!


Be Well.


Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel and your care team at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care


Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie muses on the healing properties essential oils
in a shop in Istanbul

Plants for All Needs


In the lore of flower essence therapy, it is said that an agreement was made between the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom that everything necessary for the healing of human kind, on every level, could and would be provided by the plant kingdom. Whether or not there is a factual basis to the lore, it is true that the plant kingdom offers invaluable remedies and healing assists for all manner of physical, mental and spiritual ills.  Wild and cultivated herbs, vegetables, grasses, fruits, seeds and nuts have widespread culinary, medicinal and spiritual uses.

In ancient cultures, knowledge of the healing properties of plants was experiential, intuitive, and passed on from healer to healer. In naturopathic medical school, in addition to studying botanical pharmacology, we were asked to intuit the medicinal use of plants grown in our botanical gardens. We sat with the plants, observed their form and function, drew them and communed with them, all in hopes of gaining something other than an academic understanding of their use.


Dandelion leaf and flower

Depending on the parts of the plant used, and on the preparation of the plant based medicine, a single plant may have multiple uses. Take dandelion, for example. Dandelion leaf, as a bitter salad herb, stimulates digestion. As a tea, dandelion leaf is diuretic, whereas dandelion root stimulates liver function. On a vibrational level, the essence of the dandelion flower is used to facilitate detox and to release tensions held in the body.



Tamanu oil, from the tropical tree

Tamanu oil

Caulophylluminophyllum, is rich in caulophyllic acid, the most hydrating essential fatty acid known to human kind. Applied topically, the oil is anti inflammatory and anti fungal, and is used as a deodorant, to hydrate skin, to treat skin ailments and to add luster to hair. The tamanu tree itself is planted at the entry of temples in Pacific island communities, and the essence of the tamanu flower, as an energy medicine, is considered  a "protector of sacred spaces" and may be used to treat vaginal infections.


You may find a plant based medicine in an ointment or cream, solid extract, tea, syrup, tincture, freeze dried powder, tablet, capsule, or I.V. solution. The medicine may contain the whole plant, an extract standardized to a particular constituent of the plant, or a medicine which has begun with a particular constituent and become something else altogether.


Modern day science isolates and standardizes active constituents of plants  and attempts to prove efficacy in double blind placebo controlled studies. While effective pharmaceuticals are derived from the process, the potential toxicity is increased, as synergistic balancing components present in the plant itself are lost. As is the synergism and efficacy that exist when complementary herbs are used together, as they most often are in botanical prescribing. Also lost in test tube medicine is the art of botanical prescribing, and the earthy experience of the plant itself.


Our hope in prescribing is to offer the best of both worlds.


Read more about the medical services Dr. Connie offers here:



Plants That Are Not Food

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What is wrong with these statements?

Dr. Marcel specializes in men's health and digestive problems. He works with Dr. Corrine in the infusion center at Pacific Naturopathic.


 1) Nutrition experts recommend five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.  French fries, although deep-fried, count as one serving since potatoes are vegetables and still have nutritional value.


This is such a no brainer it is almost embarrassing. Most conventional French fries are prepared with white potatoes and white potatoes quickly and easily convert in the body to sugar. When your body takes in these quickly absorbed carbohydrates you are forced to use them as energy right away or store them in fat. In addition to often being cooked in old, often rancid fat, studies in the past few years have determined that when a starchy food such as a potato is cooked to a temperature above 248 degrees, it produces a cancer-causing chemical called acrylamide.


2) Organic fruit juices are incredibly healthy because they are loaded with concentrated nutrients.


This is a trick question.  When it comes to fruit juice, organic and non-organic are the same - neither one should be imbibed. Fruit juice is nothing more than fruit flavored pure sugar water, without the fiber that allows a time-release of sugar when you eat the whole fruit. Also, much of the fruit juice you find in the supermarket isn't really fruit juice. In fact, some 

Real food! :

"fruit juice" beverages don't even contain fruit, just chemicals that taste like fruit. What you're drinking is basically just artificially flavored sugar water.


3) Whole wheat products are better than refined wheat products because they contain nutrients and fiber that are not present in refined flour.


There are lots of reasons why not just whole wheat, but wheat in general is problematical to humans.  First of all, most "whole wheat" products are just pulverized grains that raise blood sugar just as fast as their refined counterparts. Next, wheat is high in gluten, the protein that gives dough its elastic properties.  For many people, gluten is difficult to digest.

Not real food! :(

Studies showthat gluten can damage the intestinal lining and cause symptoms like pain, anemia, bloating, stool inconsistency, tiredness, and others. But wait, there's more:

-- A compound in wheat called phytic acid binds minerals like calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium and hinders their absorption. Whole wheat contains even more phytic acid than refined wheat.

-- The amino acid ratios in wheat protein are not compatible with what humans need.

-- Wheat fiber leaches the Vitamin D stores from the body, increasing the risk of deficiency.


The skinny is that while wheat may have been a relatively healthy grain before its many hybridizations and genetic modifications, the stuff most people are eating today is best avoided.


4) Agave nectar made from organic sources is an excellent replacement for sugar.


People have been looking for a healthy, good tasting sweetener ever since the harmful effects of sugar became widely publicized.  When agave nectar first came on the market, it was accompanied by hype, advertising that it did not have the glycemic effects of sugar.  Wrong.  Very wrong. Agave syrup is actually much worse than sugar.  Sugar is about 50% fructose and agave contains even more... up to 70-90%.  So gram for gram, agave is even worse than regular sugar.



For more on Dr. Marcel's work click HERE.


Plants and Food as Medicine

Corrine Wang, N.D.

Recently, I was walking down the Embarcadero with a friend, chatting with him about his chronic health condition.  As the San Francisco wind swept against our faces, he described his experience of living over a decade with hepatitis B. He talked about the first time he developed symptoms and discovered his condition to his current state of health and the changes he has made over the years to keep himself healthy.



During the period right before the diagnosis, like many college students, he had been eating poorly, drinking heavily, and was steadily losing weight as well as feeling extremely fatigued. He finally went in to the doctor to get his health checked and found out he was carrying the hepatitis B virus.


He began researching treatment options and decided to take control of his health. Over this last decade of living with hepatitis B, he has made major lifestyle changes in regards to exercise and particularly the food he eats. He also recently started on an herbal liver supplement that I recommended and feels that his energy has improved immensely with everything.


For dietary changes, he has switched to more of an anti-inflammatory diet overall, eating more salads and vegetables, specifically adding in vegetables like beets that are great for the liver.


He drinks warm lemon water every morning to help aid digestion and detoxification of the body and makes sure to abstain from alcohol. He also now runs a couple miles several times a week when he was not really exercising previously.


A gastroenterologist friend of his mentioned the possibility of taking a drug to help keep his liver enzymes down, but so far he has been able to manage his condition very well just through lifestyle and dietary changes.


A foundation of naturopathic medicine and health in general is the nutrition we get from our diet. We are what we eat - all of the nutrients we take in from our food are incorporated into and used by our cells. They can become parts of us like our cell membranes or used as building blocks for other important molecules like hormones, our signaling messengers. And without good building blocks, our body also has a hard time restoring and repairing itself.


An increased risk in developing conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer have all been linked to poor diets and lack of exercise, and many cases can be prevented by being more mindful of the foods we consume along with how much physical activity we get. Given this and how important nutrition is to our health, one of the main treatments we as naturopaths employ starts with looking at a person's diet and recommending changes as necessary.


For optimal health, the foundation begins with what we put into our bodies - something my friend quickly realized and applied to his situation. Food is not only nourishment and an enjoyment in life, but can definitely be used as a medicine as well. 



For more information about Dr. Corrine Wang and her mind/body approach to healing, please visit her website at



Healing Plants in Simple Forms


Dr. Connie has offered natural medicine guidance to her Bay Area patients since 1993.

What with all of our high tech enhanced herbal formulas, cherished plant remedies sometimes come in the simplest of forms, as functional foods, teas, spices, juices, aromas, essences.  Here are some favorites.


Green tea. Teas can be warming, nourishing, detoxifying, delightful. Green tea is in its heyday now, due to the numerous studies promoting its anti inflammatory and anti carcinogenic effects. While most tea drinkers are unlikely to consume the 6-10 cup daily anti carcinogenic dose, there is benefit in drinking even a few cups. For enhanced effect, several bowls of macha (Japanese powdered tea ceremony tea) or capsules of ECGC (the active constituent of green tea) can bring the tea up to dosage.


Pomegranates. Recently in Istanbul, we savored the pomegranate juice which was fresh squeezed on street corners. High in antioxidants, nutrient and fiber content, pomegranates are used to increase insulin sensitivity, improve glucose transport, reduce total cholesterol, correct erectile dysfunction, reduce PSA levels. Men with prostate cancer benefit from 8 ounces of juice a day.  

turmeric Turmeric or curcumin.  Kitchen cabinets hold a treasure trove of medicinal spices. Curcumin is increasingly in the news, along with green tea, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti carcinogenic properties. And ask us for our recipe for Golden Milk, a yummy functional food alternative to hot chocolate.



Chocolate. Speaking of chocolate, there's a reason for the moniker "food of

the Gods."  Chocolate contains substances that function similarly to and promote anandamide, a messenger molecule that promotes bliss. Chocolate is also high in bioflavonoids and magnesium. (Women crave chocolate in the week before menses because magnesium levels decrease at that time.)  We're talking real chocolate ... high percentage dark chocolate, not milk or white chocolate or chocolate candy.


Watercress. This nutrient packed, pungent salad green is a phenomenal liver food. It also stimulates the appetite, is diuretic and lowers blood sugar. We enjoy watercress with a dressing of lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil, sprinkled with sea salt. See for other liver foods.



Find out more about Dr. Connie's work HERE.
Seasonal "Farm"aceuticals

Nicole Noceto
Nicole Noceto fills many roles at Pacific Naturopathic.


Well, we're somehow in the midst of autumn already... days are getting shorter, schools are back in session, and the holidays are just around the corner. The beginning of fall invites a productive energy, with the bustle of school activity and the holiday craze that lends itself to sugar rushes, costume parties, and gift shopping. People everywhere are in consumer mode, rushing about their days to fit as much 'productivity' in while the sun is still up.


Like clockwork, corporate media giants have descended upon us with their annual campaigns for flu shots and viral scares in an attempt to take advantage of an overly stressed, immune-suppressed culture. True, we might be more susceptible to catching some kind of bug this time of year, but there are ample ways in which we can protect ourselves by making healthful dietary and lifestyle choices.


The leaf-bearing trees and the continuously shorter days remind us, autumn

Autumn in California

is a transitional season in which nature begins to withdraw and slow down. As just an extension of nature, we too, should be mindful of the need for a restful rhythm this time of year.  This is not to say abandon the drive to be productive, but rather, to strive for a balance of work and rest. In doing so, we naturally create more time to focus on being well, allowing for more opportunities to participate in self-care.


Autumn harvest



Leading a balanced life, in tune with the rhythm of the season, is a notion so powerful that our health this time of year depends on it. My primary argument for making such a thing happen is supported by the edible landscape that offers itself this season.  The abundance of hearty root vegetables like beets and squash; aromatic and therapeutic herbs including fennel, garlic, and ginger; and the nutrient-dense fruits, apples and pears, so effortlessly support our health in their simple willingness to grow this time of year. To take advantage of cooking with this seasonal 'farmacy,' is one of the most powerful methods of immune system support.


As I have long opted not to have a seasonal flu shot, I have also made a diligent effort to understand the role I play in strengthening my own immune system, particularly through the way that I eat.  Eating seasonally is a lifestyle choice that I feel very strongly about, for more than just personal health, but that's beside the point. Vibrant health can truly be as simple as cooking according to what's available to us in a given season.


As with all cooking, just a little preparation goes a long way, particularly

One-pot stew -- yum!

cooking as the weather cools down.  Fall is the perfect season to experiment with one-pot dishes like nutritious bone broths and hearty soups or casseroles - all dishes that can cook at home in a crock pot, while we're out and about, I might add! 


To adopt a slower rhythm, rely on our local landscapes, and cook seasonal food, we are truly using food as medicine to foster optimal wellness.


Nicole Noceto offers Nutrition Education for people 

meeting the challenges of diabetes and cancer.  In January, 

she will begin offering yoga therapy programs.

Please phone 650-917-1121 to schedule.

Weight Loss...

Meet the Subconscious


Jane 2013


It can be so frustrating to find that, no matter what you do, you keep falling back into an inability to control your eating.  Not only do you feel as if you are out of control but also angry with yourself. And another diet doesn't seem like the answer.  What to do?  Well, you ARE out of control because you are constantly being triggered and that activates your subconscious to eat. What are those triggers? Some might be memories of events from your past that are disturbing.  Some cause you to want to soothe and protect yourself.  Other triggers might be because of feeling unloved and deprived.  We all have had different experiences and they reside in our subconscious as our truths or limiting beliefs. 


But imagine what a relief it would be to change those limiting beliefs and thus alter your behaviors. That's what Hypnotherapy does.  When you access the subconscious you are able to go deep into the programming that is causing you to repeat, repeat, repeat. Hypnotherapy works at the level of feelings, patterns, and unconscious motivations. Isn't it better to feel that you want to eat healthier rather than just thinking that you should?


Hypnotherapy does two great things...First, you are led into a deep relaxation which allows your body to experience healing; Second, while in this deep relaxation you can give yourself suggestions about what you want to change. This is when your subconscious is most suggestible and able to be reprogrammed.


So what kinds of suggestions would Hypnotherapy work best for regarding weight loss?  Well, a great suggestion would be to maximize motivation so that you find yourself wanting to eat well. Another might be to take the focus off weight and to put it on fitness and health.  You might suggest to your subconscious to prod you at a certain time each day because you want to move, go for a walk or do some exercise. You are making your subconscious be your cheerleader and motivator. Imagine's all possible.


You can also do an "age progression" where you are taken into the future where you have become the weight you want to be. You can suggest to your subconscious to show you the roadmap of how you got to that weight. It's all about making your subconscious work for you rather than against you.


Another great way to make big changes is to follow Carlene Foldenauer's advice in this newsletter and learn EFT (Tapping). It's easy to learn and very effective for cravings. It also accesses the subconscious and you can use it anywhere.


The main thing to know is that the subconscious makes up 95% of your mind so it is the destination to visit when you want to change. Willpower alone will not get you there. Why not get access to the tools that will show you the way? 


Read more about Jane Hernandez's transformative work HERE

Curb Your Food Cravings
Carlene offers various approaches to energy healing at the Hernandez Center.


Two of the most common reasons that people seek hypnotherapy are to lose weight and quit smoking. In both cases they are hoping to overcome their addiction, whether it is addiction to tobacco or certain foods like sugar, fat, and salt. But there is one big difference, it is healthy to stop smoking, but obviously we can't just stop eating. Food is nourishing and necessary, so we must change our eating habits and reduce the cravings for the unhealthy foods.


Many of us develop eating habits that don't support our optimum health.  For example, in today's busy world you may find yourself eating while doing something else such as driving, working at your computer or watching TV. Eating while distracted, can lead to unhealthy food choices and overeating.  When you make eating "the event," you'll be more aware of what and how much you are putting in your mouth. Mindful or conscious eating will help you develop more positive habits like eating more slowly, selecting healthier choices, appreciating and enjoying your food, and stopping before you over eat.


Many of my clients find that they crave certain foods to satisfy their emotional needs and to calm their stress or anxiety.  They commonly report craving potato chips, chocolate, ice cream, bread and comfort foods like macaroni and cheese. Dr. Mark Hyman explains in an article on food addiction, "We are biologically wired to crave these foods and eat as much of them as possible." Hyman suggests, "reprogramming your taste buds" to stop the cravings for the sugar, salt and fat. "You can start by eating real, fresh, whole foods. Avoid fake, commercialized foods that come in convenience packages or are made in a lab."


These comfort foods that we crave also taste good, so we have stored positive memories of eating these foods all the way back to childhood, which adds to the "feel good" quality of the food.

But unfortunately we only feel good for so long before we begin to feel the negative effects of overeating these foods, including weight gain. One way to solve the problem is to just stop buying the foods you crave. But you can't control what other people in your household buy and consume, so you will need a way to curb your cravings.

EFT, or the Emotional Freedom Technique, effectively reduces most people's cravings.  When I work with weight-reduction clients, EFT is the first thing I teach.  I like EFT because it is easy to learn, free to use, and is often effective when nothing else seems to work. You simply use your fingertips to tap on acupressure points while you say specific phrases that acknowledge the problem and create self-acceptance. In this case, the problem is the craving.  See Nick Ortner giving an overview of EFT, including how to "tap," HERE. or get a free EFT Mini Manual HERE  You can also access an abbreviated EFT Overview on Carlene's web site HERE.



  • What Are You Hungry For?, by Deepak Chopra, MD
  • "Food Addiction: Could it Explain Why 70 Percent of America is Fat?," by Mark Hyman, MD
  • "10 Ways to Ditch Your Cravings for Sugar, Salt and Fat," by Mark Hyman, M.D.


Read more about Carlene's transformative work here.


Rapid Pain Relief
With Elijah Fee

Elijah Free, MH, CMI, CMT



Elijah Free's approach to helping his patients deal with physical pain has been described as bordering on miraculous.  Elijah is also a Master Herbalist who designs and produces all of his own herbal products for his healing practice. He is an herbal product designer for Ridgecrest Herb Company. 

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Elijah Free is a healer, specializing in pain elimination of all types, both mechanical and metabolic. He is a master medical herbalist with numerous specialties, a researcher and product designer for his own label; Earth Friend Herb Co. 


Elijah is the author of "Apprentice to Angels," and a U.S. patent holder for a formula to eradicate fibromyaligia. He was recently granted a 501-C3 from the IRS as a medical study, something almost exclusively for institutions such as Stanford, hospitals or pharmaceutical companies. is all about Elijah's work with an herbal formula for PTSD that restores the lives to veterans and anyone else with this condition. A documentary video will be available later this fall about this project. A video on fibromyaligia can be seen at


To schedule an 
appointment with Elijah, 
please phone 650-917-1121.
Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- Breast Health Foods -


A benefit of breast thermography is that we can assess the efficacy of treatment protocols. By observing the pattern of the blood vessels, we can see whether an excess estrogen effect has been diminished, and whether aberrant patterns have normalized. By observing temperature differences, we can see whether inflammation has been reduced. 


Patients often opt to promote breast health through dietary change, monitoring success through periodic breast thermography. Many of the plant foods discussed in this newsletter are helpful: green tea, curcumin and walnuts. to name a few. Watercress and other cruciferous vegetables promote liver health, thus promoting favorable estrogen metabolism. Broccoli seeds, sprouted for 3 days, contain a high concentration of Indole 3 Carbinole, helpful (as are flax seeds) in metabolizing estrogen to favorable forms.


Also helpful are foods high in iodine, such as kelp and other seaweeds. Iodine is fundamental to breast health and is anticarcinogenic to several breast cancer cell lines. When patients take in the amount of iodine which is found in the traditional Japanese diet, we often see thermal risk ratings returning to normal. 


Read more about breast thermography at 
Pacific Naturopathic here.
A Cornucopia of Plenty
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii

Check Future Openings 
(then click on "Calendar")
Bounty from the orchard
* * *

People often ask us how many different kinds of fruit trees we have at Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii.  Let's see if I can remember them all... Brazilian cherry, Surinam cherry, mango, jaboticaba, papaya, starfruit, banana, Tahitian lime, calmodin lime, loquat, Meyer lemon, navel orange, tangerine, kumquat, sour orange, ruby red grapefruit, coconut, satsuma orange, star apple, jack fruit, ambarella, plantain, guava, egg fruit, apple, mangosteen, ice cream bean, clove, cinnamon, avocado and macadamia nut. There are several cultivars of each, and well over 150 fruit and nut trees total.  There are also poha berries, edible monstera fruit, thimble berries and edible bamboo shoots.

Guests at the View House are greeted with a special welcoming gift of a tray of fruit from our orchard and the orchards of neighbors.  Did I mention that the fruit is all organic and tree ripened?

Don't you think it is time for a fruit break in Hawaii?

For more information, please visit our dedicated web site.


The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care

News and Commentary on Cancer Topics

* * * * *

Why Intravenous Vitamin C Works in Cancer Therapy

Marcel Hernandez, N.D.

Cancer cells growing and spreading.


Like every other cell in the body, cancer cells use sugar to grow and multiply. In fact, cancer cells absolutely love sugar so much that they cannot survive without it, so they allow sugar to pass through their membranes.  Now here is what borders on miraculous about intravenous Vitamin C.  


When infused directly into the blood stream, Vitamin C looks like sugar to cancer cells, so they let it pass through their membranes.  Once inside the cell, Vitamin C becomes H2O2, a free radical toxic to cancer cells.  Now here is the miracle: Intravenous Vitamin C is harmless to healthy cells and deadly to cancer cells. Healthy cells have a protective enzyme that most cancer cells lack.  Intravenous Vitamin C  is also a PRO-oxidant, working as a pharmaceutical chemotherapeutic drug does, but without the systemic toxicity. Vitamin C works differently when taken orally.


Orally administered, Vitamin C is an ANTI-oxidant.  Cellular protective, yes; but toxic to cancer cells, no.  Furthermore, high dose oral Vitamin C is poorly tolerated by the bowels.  


Perhaps most important, orally administered vitamin C  tissue and plasma concentrations in the body are tightly controlled. Approximately 70 to 90 percent of vitamin C is absorbed at intakes of 30-180 mg/day. But at doses above 1 gram/day, absorption falls to less than 50 percent, with decreasing absorption as the oral dose is increased.  The overloaded body excretes unmetabolized ascorbic acid in the urine. 

Please phone us at 650-917-1121 to find out more about the intravenous therapy program at The Hernandez Center.


Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center

Corrine Wang, N.D.


Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. We are often using this therapy at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients. What people may not know is that we also have many other IV therapies that are also very helpful in supporting our cancer patients depending on their symptoms and what they need. 


We often give a nutrient IV in between IV vitamin C sessions, which helps to provide more energy and rebuild our patients that may be feeling fatigued or have low blood counts. 


We also have other anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer therapies like IV curcumin (turmeric) or IV silibinin (from milk thistle). 


Another IV treatment that can help cancer patients from losing more weight or to help them gain weight is an infusion that includes a variety of amino acids. 


These are just a few of the protocols we have for our cancer patients. For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121.


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Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care

2570 W. El Camino Real, Suite 111
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-917-1121 (v) * 650-917-1127 (f)

In This Issue

* Dr. Connie muses on the historical roles of plants

 * Dr. Marcel: Plants That Are Not Food

* Dr. Corrine: Plants as Food and Medicine


* Dr. Connie: Healing Plants in Simple Form


 * Nicole: Seasonal Farmaceuticals

* Jane: Weight Loss and the Subconscious


* Carlene: Curb Your Food Cravings


* Breast Health Foods

* Hawaii retreat: Bounty from the Orchard

Hernandez Center: News and Commentary on Cancer Topics

 - - - 

 * Dr. Marcel: Why Intravenous Vitamin C Kills Cancer Cells


 * Dr. Corrine: other IV therapies offered in our clinic 



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The Hernandez Center 

for Adjunctive Cancer Care


2570 W. El Camino Real, Suite 111 Mountain View, CA 94040


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Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
