Plymouth Public Schools Voyager Express (VEX)
Weekly News

January 16, 2015
Vol.#7   No. #53
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District Events 
If you would like to see a calendar of all our district events, please click on the link below.
PPS Health and Wellness
This section of VEX is intended to provide opportunities that exist for the faculty and staff to engage in wellness activities.

Please go to the link below to access our district wellness website.

Voyager Magazine
If you would like to download the Voyager Magazine's Spring/ Summer 2013 edition,
click on the link below.

Hard copies of the Voyager Magazines are available at 253 South Meadow Road Plymouth, Massachusetts..
School Websites:
High Schools

Middle Schools

Elementary Schools


District Fundraisers:
Plymouth Schools Music Associations
Annual Fruit Sale

Please access the fruit sale website by clicking on the link below.

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 Please enjoy our latest edition of VEX.
Clip of the Week


MENergy Performance at North High School
Plymouth Public Schools Survey
The Plymouth Public Schools is conducting a survey to collect information and guide the district's strategic planning efforts for the next five years. We would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to provide your valuable input by completing our survey. The link to the survey can be found below.  Hard copies are also available upon request at each of our schools, town hall, and the main branch of the public library. 

This survey will be available until January 25
Thank you for your support!


Headlines and Announcements from the Plymouth Public Schools Science and Technology/Engineering Department



The Plymouth Public Schools High School Science Fair is being held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, at Plymouth South High School.  Talented students from both Plymouth South and Plymouth North will compete not only for top prize in the district science fair, but also for a chance to participate in the South Shore Regional Science Fair.  Based on student performance at each of these events, students may be invited to compete at both the state and/or international fairs.  The public is invited to attend the Plymouth fair on February 10 from 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm.  This public viewing will be immediately followed by the awards celebration to which the public is also invited.  

The schedule of this year's fairs is as follows:

Plymouth Public SchoolsFebruary 10, Plymouth South High School

South Shore Regional Science Fair     March 14, Bridgewater State University

MA State Science and Engineering FairMay 1-2, MIT

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair   May 10-15, Pittsburgh, PA


Camp Invention is returning to Plymouth this summer!  Over one hundred students participated in a weeklong STEM summer camp program last year and based on its overwhelming success, we are offering this unique opportunity again to students entering grades 1-6.  This year's program is titled Illuminate, which encompasses hydrochallenges, the next big video game (MazeWorld), and do-it-yourself kart racers.  Be among the first to reserve your spot today.  Registration is available now with early bird discounts.

Registration Link

For more information check out the following


Also, feel free to contact Alison Riordan, Science Curriculum Coordinator

508-830-4477 or

The Plymouth Public Schools Science and Technology/Engineering Department will begin offering a 4-year pathway in Biomedical Sciences beginning in the fall of 2015, which will be open to entering GR9 students only.  This pathway will follow that as it is designed by Project Lead the Way (PLTW).

Students in this pathway will take the following courses, one each year, beginning as freshmen.  

  • Principles of Biomedical Science - offered for first time 2015, available to freshmen

  • Human Body Systems - offered for first time 2016, available to sophomores

  • Medical Interventions - offered for first time 2017, available to juniors

  • Biomedical Innovation (Capstone Course) - offered for first time 2018, available to seniors

The PLTW program requirements indicate that students are expected to take grade level appropriate mathematics and science classes each year concurrent with PLTW courses. The PLTW classes do not replace biology, chemistry, or physics classes. Students looking to go into a biomedical career need these sciences as well.  Also, please note that all students must take and successfully pass the Science and Technology/Engineering MCAS exam in Biology as a requirement for graduation.  

Additionally, it is expected that this program will connect students to courses and experiences that promote career exploration and readiness.  PLTW instructors will work collaboratively to create an instructional program that is rooted in project based learning and that which fosters partnerships with professionals that will expand on the opportunities for Plymouth students.   

In order to be considered for acceptance into this program, you must complete an online application.  The application may be found at

For more information, check out  Also, feel free to contact Alison Riordan, Science Curriculum Coordinator (508-830-4477,


Follow the department's headlines and announcements on Twitter @PPS_Science.

News from the Elementary Library and Media Specialists

Do you know about Digital Learning Day?

Digital Learning Day (DLD) was started in 2012 as a way to spread innovative practices Nation-wide
 and ensure that all children have access to high-quality digital learning opportunities no matter where
 they live. Visit the site to learn more, and sign-up to participate. Make sure to check out the Activities
 and Ideas section for lesson plans, free digital resources, like Newseum*, and more. This year DLD
 will be celebrated on March 13, 2015.March 13, 2015.

South Elementary School News



Four students from South Elementary School attended the Inauguration of Governor Baker on Thursday, January 8th.  Students at South Elementary School needed to submit a letter, poster, essay, video or other creative method explaining their reasons for wanting to attend the inauguration.  Sophia Watts, Jacob Medeiros, Hannah O'Dowd and Paul Kanellopoulos were chosen from their entries. 




Jeff Nathan


Jeff Nathan, a local author, is conducting a residency at South Elementary School from January 12th through January 20th.  He is working with students to write poetry using several different techniques.  Classes are writing poems as a class and will be performing their poems for an audience later in the year.  Jeff conducted a family program on January 12th.  Over 260 people attended this exciting event.  Jeff's visit was funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council STARS grant.



Federal Furnace Elementary School News

It has been a busy month at Federal Furnace! Before the holidays we held our monthly assembly with a focus on respect. At the assembly we sang songs from various holiday traditions around the world. Thanks to Mrs. Kos and Mrs. McMinn for preparing our students to sing and play instruments. It was a wonderful community building activity.

Also right before the holiday break, first grade students visited with students at Plymouth North High School to have children's books read to them by the high school students who had written them. Thank you to Ms. Shomberg and the Plymouth North High School staff and students who made us feel so welcome!

Last week Federal Furnace sent 4 students to the Gubernatorial Inauguration. Fourth and fifth grade students were given the opportunity to advocate for themselves as a 'candidate' who would represent Federal Furnace at this historic event. Fourteen students chose to 'campaign' using a variety of means as to why they should be selected. Some students wrote essays, others wrote poems, some wrote songs, and some used technology to create slideshow and video presentations. The fourteen who campaigned are: Leah Sheehan, Caitlin Reynolds, Olivia Morano, Dylan Dearing, Derek Dearing, Aiden Colligan, Shyanne Meack, Benna Guiliani, Jordan Sherman, Jake Guth, Jennifer Blindt, D. J. Chase, and Joshua Bates. Congratulations to all of them for putting forth great effort and creativity! The four chosen to attend are Derek Dearing, Caitlin Reynolds, Olivia Morano and Jake Guth.


West Elementary School News

For the fifth consecutive year, students in grades four and five at West Elementary School are participating in the Massachusetts Children's Book Award Program (MCBA). This wonderful program, that has been supported each year by the West PTA, promotes reading, listening, writing, and comprehension skills through a selected list of titles. Students become critics as they are encouraged to evaluate and share opinions on the nature and quality of the titles they are reading or hearing. Participating fourth, fifth and sixth graders throughout Massachusetts are given a "master list" of book titles.  After reading or listening to at least five of the books, each student may vote in an actual election for his/her favorite. The author of the winning book receives a plaque to commemorate the Award. 
Pictured are students from Ms.Keeley's Grade 4 with the MCBA titles that they are reading.

The West Elementary PTA will be hosting the Plymouth Camp & Summer Activities Fair on Saturday 2/7/15 from 11 AM to 2 PM. Families will have the chance to meet face to face with a wide variety of camp representatives along with local businesses offering summer activities. It is a great way to get a jump start on your planning to create a safe, fun and educational filled summer for your kids. The event is free for area families to attend.

Digital Literacy

First grade students in Mrs. DuBois' classroom participated in a digital literacy lesson. Students have been reading non-fiction books during class to learn new information. Mrs. Lacroix-White came in to show students that they can apply these same thinking skills when they view a video clip on a topic. 


Around PSMS...


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Patriot's Pride Day in preparation for the big game!


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Future Rock Stars in one of PSMS's after school ensembles.


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Thursday afternoon in Recycling Club and Scrabble Club.


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Congratulations to the cast of Cinderella! Stay up-to-date with announcements and rehearsal schedules by visiting the Drama Club Website:




The PCIS Athlete of the Week is Matt Rothberg. Matt is the first ever winner of the award at PCIS and is recognized for the week ending January 9. He shows great character on and off the court. Matt always works hard in practice and in the classroom. He was a honor roll student first term and is well liked by his peers for his kind attitude. Whenever Coach Ross needs a spark for the team, he puts Matt in the game. This was evident against Falmouth when he took a crucial charge. He scored 15 points against Pembroke including three 3 pointers.

PCIS students are preparing for a very special performance of The Wizard of Oz.  Performances will be held at Plymouth North High School on Friday, January 30 at 7:30 PM and Saturday, January 31st at 2 PM.  Tickets can be purchased on the PCIS website.  Please go to, then click on the schools tab, and hit the PCIS link.  The information is on the PCIS main page.  We look forward to seeing you.

PCIS students we treated to a special visit from Ithacappella.  After the special performance, Ithacappella worked with Mrs. Fuller's chorus students and helped them develop their craft.

The PCIS dance team wowed the crowd at Wednesday's PCIS basketball game.

Plymouth North High School News


PNHS Athletic National Letter of Intent
Congratulations to Sophie Gorton on signing her National Letter of Intent accepting an athletic scholarship to Merrimack College where she will compete on the cross country and track teams.



Plymouth North students had outstanding results at the annual DECA District competition held in Quincy, MA.  98 Students enrolled North's Marketing Tech program and an additional 34 taking a Marketing elective course competed in two role plays and took a written test.  When the results were tallied the competitors had earned 57 first, second or third place medallions, and 30 students had qualified for State competition.  We congratulate all the competitors on their professionalism, preparation, motivation and overall commitment to excellence. Follow the DECA program and student results on Twitter @pnhsmeansbiz 

DECA 2015 District Winners
Overall Rankings

Annemarie Donegan

Apparel and Accessories



Ryan Boudreau

Hotel and Lodging



Andrew Parker

Restaurant Management



Jacklyn Sullivan and

Dari Tavekelian

Business Law and Ethics

Team Decision Making



Caitlin McCosh and

Julianne Mitchell  

Hospitality Team Decision Making



Will DiGravio and

Ben Pieroni

Sports and Entertainment Decision Making



Shawn Westcott

Business Finance



Justin Cabral and

Colby Parker

Financial Team Decision Making



Chaela Hood and

Sarah Liskov

Hospitality Team Decision Making



Monty Gray

Principles of Marketing



Diana Riordan

Business Marketing



Victoria Christensen and

Kristian Salvucci

Financial Team Decision Making



Angela Botto



Top 7

Jack DeCoste



Top 7

Andrew DiRito

Business Finance


Top 7

Ethan Hatfield

Business Marketing Services


Top 7

Casey Lynch

Marketing Management


Top 7

Abigail Bumpus

QuickServe Restaurant


Top 7

Jeannette Morgan

QuickServe Restaurant


Top 7

Isabelle Lapsley

Retail Management


Top 7

Abbi Lee and

Julianne White

Marketing Communications Team Decision Making


Top 7

*Jack Haley

Principles of Finance


Top 7

Bailey McDonald

Principles of Marketing


Top 7

Ryan Gillette

Business Finance Services


Top 10

*Stephanie Souza

Hotel and Lodging


Top 10

Kayla Roy

Marketing Management


Top 10

*Morgan Brodie

Quick Serve Restaurant


Top 10

Alexandra Bletzer and

Micayla Rothberg

Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making


Top 10

Jack McPherson

Business Services


Top 10

Mitchell Hennings and

Josh Pestana

Financial Team Decision Making


Top 10

Will Barrett and

Shane Gibbons

Hospitality Team Decision Making


Top 10

Adam Brown and

Spencer Potter

Travel and Tourism

Team Decision Making


Top 10

*Katie Capellucci and

Isabelle Provo

Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making


Top 10


PNHS Girls Soccer All Stars
Congratulations to Amelia Burke, Isabelle Lapsley and Kate Leavitt as Coach Azevedo presented each athlete with certificates from the Patriot League All Stars.  Each of the student athletes were selected to the All Star Team.  Coach Azevedo also presented Isabelle Lapsley and Amelia Burke with certificates from the Eastern Massachusetts Girls Soccer Coaches Association. Both girls were selected as Division Two, Second Team members of the team.  



NHS Bowl-A-Thon
The National Honor Society held their annual Bowl-A-Thon Fundraiser.  Students bowled to raise money to help feed the homeless and also to help fund student scholarships. Over 120 students participated and strikes and spares were plentiful. Fun was had by all.



Plymouth South High School News





Congratulations to the Plymouth Panther wrestling team for their successful season so far this year !! 





Sports captains from both Plymouth North and South with their coaches enjoyed lunch this week at South's culinary restaurant. Also present were some members of the Central Office Administration. The photo above is of Plymouth South graduate Stefan Gustafson.  Stefan gave a wonderful speech to students and members.  He was a multi-sport captain in high school, then continued his football career at Massachusetts Maritime Academy.  He stressed the importance of being a 'team player' whether on the field or off.  This attitude will open doors as you pursue your career.




Congratulations to the girls shuttle hurdle relay team on winning the Division 2 State Relays with a time of 30.56 seconds.  In doing so, Maddie Sessler, Sammi Cripps, Meghan Gallerani and Jayci Andrews have qualified for the National Championships in New York City this March.  Good Luck girls!!!





Leesen Gulsen - Athlete of the Week for Cheerleading. Leesen is a freshman on the team, and has worked extremely hard both academically, and with this sport to improve her skills. She is dedicated, and contributes to make a positive environment for everyone on the team.



Ryan Harty & Dylan Finlay - Dylan & Ryan both hit the 100 career wrestling win mark. This is a unique accomplishment! Ryan and Dylan are four year starters at PS. Ryan is a returning Division-1 State Finalist and a two time Division-1 Sectional Champ. Dylan is a two time Division-1 Sectional Champ They are both team captains. It is great that they both reached this 100 career win milestone this season! Congrats!



Plymouth South's Senior Project Program


The above photo is just one example of the 11 students who are working on a Senior Project.  They all had to do a 'presentation' of their project yesterday to a wide variety of staff, administration and community member volunteers.  They needed to be able to answer questions regarding their project.  They have done an amazing job on their projects and presentations!!  Great job to everyone.



Dr. Gary E. Maestas, Superintendent
Plymouth Public Schools