Another Elegy
by Jericho Brown
To believe in God is to love What none can see. Let a lover go,
Let him walk out with the good Spoons or die
Without a signature, and so much Remains for scrubbing, for a polish
Cleaner than devotion. Tonight, God is one spot, and you,
You must be one blind nun. You Wipe, you rub, but love won't move.
Copyright � 2013 by Jericho Brown. Used with permission of the author. |
About this Poem:
"Someone I loved died, then someone I loved left me, then this happened where I teach (now on a leave of absence). And I guess I have yet to get over Sylvia Plath's, 'I am a nun now. I have never been so pure.'"
Jericho Brown
Poetry by Brown
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Jericho Brown is the author of
Please (New Issues, 2008). He is
the recipient of a Whiting Writers'
Award and fellowships from the
National Endowment for the Arts
and the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University. He teaches at Emory University.
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