Why I Am Not a Buddhist

Reality cons me as it spur(n)s me. 

This is the road to eternal 

Consanguinity, eloping with 

Hope and leaving me to pick 

Up the proverbial bag. 

But that's the argument for.




Copyright � 2013 by Charles Bernstein. Used with permission of the author.  


About This Poem
"I have a companion poem in The Sophist (1987) called 'Why I Am Not a Christian' (taking my title from Bertrand Russell's book of the same name), which has two lines echoed in this poem: 'You always throw it down/ but you never pick it up?' Then in Girly Man (2007) I have a poem from 1988 called 'Why I Don't Meditate': 'Mental health is probably overrated--a little anxiety/ is a great source/ for poetic composition & besides I prefer sitting/ on chairs with heavy cushions & a footstool/ if at all possible'--a poem both sophistical and sincere (a favorite combination).

My concern is more What is false? than What is truth?

All true poetry comes from deep fear, immobility, timidity. (I love Walter Benjamin's essay on H�lderlin's timidity.) This is our common ground, our temporal consanguinity (blood ties).

Reality is not kind.

I'd tell you in an instant, if I could."

--Charles Bernstein

Most Recent Book by Bernstein

(University of Chicago Press, 2013)


June 25, 2013
Charles Bernstein is the author of numerous books of poetry including Recalculating (University of Chicago Press, 2013). He is the Executive Editor and co-founder of The Electronic Poetry Center at SUNY-Buffalo. Bernstein teaches at the University of Pennsylvania.
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