Volume 8 | March 9, 2018
NDBN Policy Newsletter
New bills, and there is still time to sign up for NDBN Lobby Day in DC, and NDBN Lobby Day in PA
State Legislative Update
In the legislative process, sometimes bills get introduced and never move from introduction. So it's encouraging to see some movement in the bills that have been introduced. Missouri's legislature seems to be in a mood to move things along! The proposal to create a tax credit for businesses that donate to diaper banks (similar to a proposal in Pennsylvania, HB 1820) is moving along-- HB2613 has been referred to the committee on Children and Families. Also in Missouri, HB 2503 , which would change the sales tax rate on feminine hygiene products and diapers be the same as food, has been referred to the House Ways and Means Committee.
In Illinois, HB3695, the proposal to provide a $80 diaper subsidy to children in deep poverty (in families with incomes of less than 50% of the Federal Poverty Level) continues to gain co-sponsors. There are now 33 cosponsors of the bill. Also in Illinois, SB 2881, the proposal to reduce sales tax on diapers also has been scheduled for a revenue hearing on March 14.
Federal Legislative Activity
Lobby Day is almost here!
Our DC Lobby Day policy panel will be talking about federal programs where diapers serve an important role, even if not officially mandated by the legislation or regulation. Speakers include Dr. Myra Jones-Taylor of ZERO TO THREE, Scott Groginsky of the National Head Start Association, Anna White of DC's Office of the State Superintendent for Education, and Molly O'Fallon of Nurse Family Partnership. Greg Kaufmann, the editor of Talk Poverty, will moderate.
NDBN Lobby Day in Pennsylvania

Our plans for the NDBN Lobby Day in Pennsylvania are solidifying--we are booking appointments with committee chairs and designing tee shirts. We will meet in Harrisburg on Tuesday, April 17, 2018. Please join us and register here. Or pass this registration on to people you know who care about diaper need in Pennsylvania. You do not have to be a diaper bank to join the fun!
Support for Advocates
NDBN recently collaborated with the Diaper Bank of Connecticut and the University of Connecticut's Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis to complete an economic analysis of the impact of providing clean diapers to families. Not surprisingly for those of us who do this work, the value was far greater than th e retail price of the diapers, but we were surprised by how much more! Some key findings:
  • Incidences of diaper rash declined 33 percent (from 627 to 420) among children whose families received supplies of clean diapers, plus babies experienced 77 percent fewer days of diaper rash. 
  • Providing diapers to families eliminates $4.3 million in medical costs due to reductions in both incidences and days of diaper rash.
  •  One in three (33%) recipient households relies on child care an average of 4.5 days/week, and more than half (56%) of parents using child care to go to work have missed work because of an inadequate supply of diapers.
  • Receiving diapers helps parents complete current educational programs.
  •  Personal income increases 11 times for every dollar invested in diaper assistance.
  • For every $10,000 (in today’s money, delivered annually) of diaper assistance provided by The Diaper Bank, personal income taxes accruing to the State increases from $3,700 in 2016 to $9,900 in 2031.
To receive a copy of the report, click on the button below.
NDBN Lobby Day in Washington
Last call to join us for the third annual NDBN Lobby Day on March 21 and 22, 2018!! We will be staying at the Liaison Hotel again this year. (You are free to stay elsewhere, but you know where the party will be!) Hope you can make it! P.S. There will be tee shirts!
National Diaper Bank Network | 155 East St. Suite 101 |New Haven, CT 0 | 203-821-7348| Website