Hurricane Preparation Guide
How Do I Prepare?

If you haven't already, begin preparations
immediately to keep your family as safe and comfortable as possible in the event of extended power outages.

How Do We Prepare?

Your co-op has a long history of planning for and dealing with storms and significant power outages. Here's how we get ready.

Reporting Your Outage

I nsider Tip
Using or our mobile app is the quickest way to let us know about your outage. You can also call us at 770-267-2505.
View Current Outages

Check out Walton EMC's real-time outage map to see where the power is out.

Get Current Information

Walton EMC's Facebook page is the place for updates and information during widespread outages.

Restoring Your Power

Walton EMC follows a time-tested plan to efficiently get the lights back on as quickly as possible. Watch this video to see how it's done.

Stay Away From Power Lines

Storms create many hazards, especially when it comes to trees and power lines. Check out these tips on staying safe.

Plan for Medically Fragile Loved Ones

A plan to take care of patients who need power is a must in case of prolonged outages.

Use Generators Safely

Generators can pose a hazard to your family and others if not installed and used properly.
Power Outage Food Safety

Is food in the refrigerator safe during power outages?

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Power Outage FAQs

Get answers to the most common power outage questions.