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The 2018 midterm elections are critical. For more information on why and how you can pray, download our new free Special Report: Praying for Midterms. Please click below and leave a reply to share how you have been involved as an intercessor in local elections.
Give thanks to the Lord for His desire to see our nation return to its spiritual roots. Pray for a continuance of religious freedom in the U.S. Join us Friday, March 2 at 1215 ET on our First Friday Prayer Conference Call to pray about how God is using intercessors in political campaigns.
Pray Prov 29:2.

Apostle Kim Daniels walks in the Spirit with every
step and allows the Lord to guide her politics, and that has led to the passage of Florida House
Bill 839. You can stand alongside Christians in politics, interceding for them in powerful ways. Download our new free Prayer Guide: Intercessory Activism.
Intercede for Rep Kim Daniels as she brings truth and light to government in Florida.
Pray 1 Sam 2:30b.

"Everyone is looking at whether combinations of AT&T and Time Warner ... pass government approval and muster, the fact is nobody for some reason is looking at these monopolies that are Google and Facebook," Zucker said during a speech at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. . ..
Pray for fair and equitable news reporting in all media.
Pray Lev 19:11.

The underlying theme promoted by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), supported by the mainstream media, that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin to ensure a Hillary Clinton defeat, never made any strategic sense ....
Praise the Lord that truth will prevail as the facts are now coming out and that justice will be served.
Pray Phil 4:8.


As we continue to pray for our government and those leading, we can be assured of our present commission to pursue godly rule on the earth.

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