The Republic for the United States of America   


Joint Release and Public Notice

From the Offices of:

 Acting President and

Acting Secretary of State


President SOS

James Timothy Turner

James Buchanan Geiger
Acting President

John Mark Rockwell
Speaker of the House

Brett La Rue                  Chair of the Senate

Jeanine Cherie Stewart
Acting Secretary of State   

  For Immediate Release

  September 2, 2013 



The Executives of the free-States in Union with the Republic for the United States of America,

We the People of the Republic for the United States of America and  

All People of the World


Secured ID# PN364423994RUSA


Re:     Public Notice - Pursuant to 2nd Congress, Session I, Chapter 8, Section 9 & 10, Electors shall be appointed or chosen in the several states of the Republic for the United States of America within 34 days preceding December 4th, 2013.


It is time for the American People to provide a constitutional and lawful framework so America can return to the land of liberty and justice for all. Part of the restoration process is to follow the Constitution and Presidential Succession Act of 1792 as written. Therefore, in the interest of preserving the Republic, I, James Buchanan Geiger, Acting President filed with the District Court of the Alabama Free State in December of 2012 a Motion for Preliminary Injunction staying enforcement of the Special Election Act of 2012 and reverting to the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, until further actions of Congress for the following reasons:


  1. the Special Election Act of 2012 was passed under duress and misinformation;
  2. discontent, fear and disinformation caused the electorate to be ineffectual in finding minimum of two viable candidates for the office of President and Vice President and;
  3. the States failed to appoint electors Pursuant to Acts 1792 and 1845 or fill vacancies by the first Wednesday in December 2012 as prescribed by law.

On, December 4, 2012 the District Court of the Alabama Free State Judge granted and ordered the motion in the matter staying enforcement of Special Election Act 2012 until further actions Congress.


Having reverted to the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, and pending further review by Congress, it is imperative the States immediately schedule Presidential elections for this fall.    

Pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of America circa 1791, the Act of 1792, and the Act of 1845, because there is neither a President not Vice President able to discharge the powers and duties of the said offices, a special election for President and Vice President is required. 


Electors shall be appointed in the several states, one for each Senator and Representative seat allowed in the National Congress. Nominally three Electors per state should be appointed by election, legislative action, or executive action pursuant to both state and national constitutions.


Pursuant to the Acts of 1792 and 1845, electors shall be appointed on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November 2013 (November 5, 2013) and vacancies may be filled by law up until the first Wednesday in December 2013.


A certified List of Electors will be delivered to the Electors by the Executive of the State according to the Act of 1792 prior to voting.  


On December 4, 2013 the Electors will lawfully cast two votes for candidates able to carry out the duties of President and Vice President and sign three lists of their votes with the attached certified List of Electors pursuant to the Constitution with Bill of Rights circa 1791 and the Act of 1792. The lists shall be forthwith delivered to the National Senate and others as per the Act of 1792.

Nominations for the Office of President/Vice President should be sent to the Office of the Secretary of State. Candidates that accept the nomination shall send written notification of their acceptance along with a bio including any information that they want to have considered in support of their nomination to the Office of the Secretary of State which shall be received no later than November 6, 2013 to be included on the ballot. Acknowledged email is an acceptable method of delivery. If mailed, postmark must be by November 2, 2013.


Congress will convene and the Senate will count the votes and the two candidates that receive the most votes will be announced as the President and Vice President respectively according to the Constitution of the United States of America circa 1791 and the Act of 1792.


The elected President and Vice President will fill out the terms of office begun by the original re-inhabitation of the Republic in 2010. Again, these actions are required Pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of American circa 1791, the Act of 1792, and the Act of 1845.


God bless the Republic.


James Buchanan Geiger

Acting President


Jeanine Cherie Stewart

Acting Secretary of State


Republic for the United States of America