The National Voice for
 LGBTQ Baptists
March 13, 2013
AWAB Announces plans for Revival Tour this summer!

Contact: Rev. Robin Lunn

Cell: 240-242-9220

Email: [email protected]


The Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists will be taking a road trip this summer to let America know that Westboro Baptist Church isn't the the only kind of Baptist out there!  We this trip is designed to raise awareness about the Welcoming & Affirming movement within Baptist tradition and to invite people from across the country to get involved in changing the narrative about what it means to be a Baptist.  

This trip is scheduled to take place over a 40 day period from June 10 through July 22 with stops from Boston to Kansas City, Little Rock to Toronto with the final stop in Portland, ME.  Rev. Robin Lunn, Executive Director of AWAB said that this tour is needed at this time because there are too many people who just don't know there are inclusive Baptists in the world.
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"I am frequently contacted by people looking for an inclusive Baptist church in their area and with only 84 member congregations in our association I have to tell people, more often than not, that I can't help them.  I know there are churches and communities all across this country that are Welcoming & Affirming in practice but they have never heard of AWAB and our work to support each other as we welcome everyone!  In our 20th anniversary year we thought the best way to get the word out about AWAB is to go on the road with a revival tour, just like the evangelists of old!"

Lunn said the trip is scheduled to take 40 days and make 23 stops covering 4000 miles. She said that they chose the itinerary to coincide with the American Baptist Churches Biennial in Kansas City as the farthest point west and to include visits at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship's General Assembly as well as the Evangelical Network's Convention. 

"There is a reason why old time evangelists were so successful. Society says that the only media people connect with these days is electronic.  I think that a road trip can be just as powerful and that we can create relationships that will grow our movement in ways that are yet in the heart and mind of God!  God is love and that is exactly what this tour is all about!"  
Help us "Tilt" our Tour

We have 23 days left to raise the $20,000 needed for this tour. You can pledge a day, a stop, or a mile but we can't so this without you.  

Our Living Jubilee Tour Map

Check out where we are planning to go on our tour.  If your town or city isn't on this list find out how you can be a part of a scheduled stop near you!