We Believe...
God wants all to live sexually whole lives and to build deeper intimacy with Him.

April 2014


If you or anyone you know (including a family member) is struggling with same sex attraction, sexual addiction or the aftermath of sexual abuse, Beyond Imagination wants to help you today. 

Please Call:
or email at:
[email protected]

Beyond Imagination Ministries
Beyond Imagination Ministries
Check out ministry video...



Dear Beyond Imagination friends,


A few things happened this past month in addition to sharing with the Christian Therapists Peer Network on March 27th.  That event went very well and I had some really good questions and was able to share about the ministry in detail for area Christian Counselors. On April 2nd I shared again at a local Chiropractic office.  I also had a chance to be a mentor at the annual Cross Power Ministry conference April 3-6 in Midland, Texas.  It is an event for married couples where at least one of the spouses deals with same sex attraction.  I went as a mentor for one couple from our ministry but I ended up being a mentor to many more couples from all over this country, Scotland, and from Provinces in Canada.  It was an awesome experience, and it is my privilege to be invited to come back next year.

We encourage all to attend the "Hope Rising" Hope for Wholeness national conference at Ridgecrest, NC, June 5-8, 2014. Click here for the  Promo Video.



Abuse Prevention: new classes we offer

A close family friend who was a custodian at our church sexually abused me for 9 years of my life from age 8 to 17. Thus, I am very excited for Beyond Imagination to offer Abuse Prevention training for parents. The classes include my personal testimony, a presentation from a Raleigh Police officer and one from an area counselor.


Testimony of group from an area pastor


Speaking at Beyond Imagination has been one of the most edifying yet challenging opportunities I've even had as a pastor, and I'm not exaggerating. With all of the strong opinions held regarding sexual ethics in our culture today, it can be intimidating to walk into a group meeting for the first time.

You think to yourself: "What if I say the wrong thing? What if I offend or am not clear enough?" But then it's such a joy to be overwhelmed each time by the grace and warmth of those at the ministry, the leadership and those being ministered to. As is the case in so many ministry contexts, a pastor expects (or at least hopes) to come and offer some help from God's Word to those in need, yet he finds that he is the one who is challenged and encouraged. 

The example of our Lord compels us to spend time with those in need, whether their need is physical or relational. To simply sit down and talk with those whom we may not understand is both enlightening and formative to our character. So, pastor, while it may be tempting in our current cultural climate to take the path of least resistance and ignore the people who have sexual struggles, I exhort you to simply take one night of your week and sit with them and talk with them. I promise your heart will be encouraged and challenge... for His glory!

In Christ,



May we Share?


We have several people who are willing to share at small groups, churches and events about their struggles with same sex attraction. We are available to tell our stories and offer appropriate Christian responses to those who struggle.

 null Please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 919-334-8563
Mark your Calendars for the Transforming Grace Conference on Saturday, September 13, 2014.
More details will follow soon. 
Newest Book Study
What does it take for lasting change to take root in your life? If you've ever tried, failed, and wondered why, you need How People Change. This book explains the biblical pattern for change in a clear, practical way you can apply to the challenges of daily life. But change involves more than a biblical formula: you will see how God is at work to make you the person you were created to be. That powerful, loving, redemptive relationship is at the heart of all positive change you experience.




Can you help us reach a person that struggles with same sex attraction, sexual addictions and the aftermath of sexual abuse?  Small regular gifts of $5, $10 or $30 per month go a long way to sustain this ministry for the Lord. If you are already contributing, we thank you very much! Your donations are tax free since Beyond Imagination is a registered 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation.



Please send any donations to:

Beyond Imagination

PO Box 28294

Raleigh, NC 27611

Or give through your BillPay or PayPal at www.beyondimagination.org


Beyond Imagination | | [email protected] | PO Box 28294
Raleigh, NC 27615

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