Updated September 17, 2010
Construction Details for the week of September 20th - 24th
For all construction questions, call the Construction Hotline: (651) 602-1404
Advanced Utility Relocation Overview
- Utility relocation and road construction is occurring on Fourth Street between Minnesota and Broadway streets in preparation for the Central Corridor Light Rail. This work includes relocating utilities, permanently removing parking meters and replacing sidewalks and light poles.When this work is complete in November 2010, the road will be restored to its final layout with one lane of traffic westbound between Wacouta and Minnesota streets. (Scheduled completion subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances.)
- Additional work in 2011 and 2012 will involve laying the tracks, building the stations and installing the electrical and communication systems. More detail will be provided when the schedule is available.
ALERT: Construction crews have started sidewalk reconstruction along 4th Street between Minnesota and Broadway; watch for marked pedestrian detours. The information included in this update and map reflects work at the beginning of the week. Change may occur midweek; check www.centralcorridor.org construction alerts for any changes that occur midweek.

Utility relocation work on Fourth Street in front of the Farmers' Market. |
Traffic and pedestrian modifications until further notice
Businesses are open and accessible via the skyway system and sidewalks.
Street signs and the information below provide alternate route information.
Downtown St. Paul:
Utility Relocation Construction
For the Week of September 20th-September 24th

Traffic Detail
- Seventh between Minnesota and Cedar reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction.
- Seventh between Cedar and Wabasha open to two lanes eastbound and one lane westbound.
- Fifth between Minnesota and Wabasha reduced to two lanes of traffic eastbound.
- Fourth between Broadway to just west of Minnesota closed to through traffic; local access only.
- Broadway reduced to one lane southbound at intersection with Fourth.
- Wall closed to through traffic at intersection with Fourth.
- Wacouta open to one lane in each direction.
- Sibley open to one lane northbound.
- Jackson reduced to one lane southbound.
- Robert open to one lane in each direction.
- Minnesota open to one lane northbound.
Sidewalk Detail
- West and south crosswalks at Fourth and Broadway closed. Alternate routes are north and east crosswalks. -NEW
- North, east, west and south crosswalks at Fourth and Wall are closed. Alternate routes are temporary mid-block crosswalks north and south of the intersection. Temporary crosswalks also placed across Fourth between Wall and Wacouta provide access to buildings.
- West crosswalk at Fourth and Wacouta and a segment of sidewalk south of Fourth is closed. Alternate route are crosswalks on north, east and south sides of intersection. Temporary crosswalks across Wacouta and Fourth provide alternative route around closed sidewalk.
- East crosswalk at Fourth and Sibley closed. Alternate routes are crosswalks on north, west and south sides of intersection. A temporary crosswalk is placed across Fourth between Wacouta and Sibley to provide access to buildings on the north side of Fourth.
- North and east crosswalks at Fourth and Jackson are closed. Alternate routes are crosswalks on west and south sides of intersection.
- West and south crosswalks at Fourth and Robert are closed. Alternate routes are crosswalks on north and east sides of intersection. -NEW
- North and west crosswalk at Fourth and Minnesota are closed. Alternate routes are crosswalks on east and south sides of intersection.
- East crosswalk at Seventh and Wabasha is closed. Alternate routes are west, south and north sides of intersection.
- Sidewalk closed on the north side of Fourth between Broadway and Wall. Alternate route is the sidewalk on the south side of Fourth.
- Sidewalk closed on the north side of Fourth from just east of Wacouta to Robert. Alternate route is the sidewalk on the south side of Fourth; use temporary crosswalks across Fourth to access buildings on the north side.
- Sidewalk closed on the south side of Fourth for approximately 200 feet east of Jackson. Alternate route is the temporary sidewalk constructed with barriers along the southern edge of Fourth.
- Sidewalk closed on east side of Jackson between Fourth and Kellog. Alternate route is west sidewalk on Jackson. -NEW
- Sidewalk closed on the south side of Fourth between Minnesota and Robert. Alternate route is the sidewalk on the north side of Fourth; access maintained to the Fourth Street entrances to Kellogg Square and Senor Wong's via a narrowed sidewalk from Robert and a midblock crossing on Fourth between Minnesota and Robert. -NEW
Bus stop relocation detail
Routes 21, 53, 63, 70, 350, 353, and 364 northbound. Bus stops on Broadway will be closed; passengers are directed to board buses at Kellogg and Broadway or at Sixth and Sibley. -
Routes 16, 50 and 94 northbound: Bus stop on the southeast corner of Fourth and Minnesota remains closed. Board all routes at the regular bus stop on the southeast corner of Minnesota and Sixth. -
Routes 68 and 71 northbound: Bus stop on the northeast corner of Robert and Fourth is closed. Passengers should use the regular bus stop on the southeast corner of Robert and Sixth. -
Routes 68 and 71 southbound: Bus stop on the west side of Robert between Sixth and Fifth is open.
Got questions? Contact the project office, not the work crews! Please don't go around barriers into work zones. Construction hours will generally be from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, but crews will be allowed to work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week if needed. Schedules are subject to changes due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances! Check www.centralcorridor.org frequently for updates.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Central Corridor LRT Project office at centralcorridor@metc.state.mn.us or call 651-602-1645. |
For all construction questions, call the Construction Hotline: 651-602-1404
For general project questions and comments, contact:
For utility service questions, contact:
District Energy -
Xcel Energy -
St. Paul Public Works -
St. Paul Regional Water Services -
About the project: The Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Project will link downtown St. Paul and downtown Minneapolis along Washington and University avenues via the state Capitol and the University of Minnesota. Construction would begin in 2010 on the planned 11-mile Central Corridor line, with service beginning in 2014. The line would connect with the Hiawatha LRT line at the Metrodome station in Minneapolis and the Northstar commuter rail line at the new Target Field Station. The Metropolitan Council will be the grantee of federal funds. The regional government agency is charged with building the line in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The Central Corridor Management Committee, which includes commissioners from Ramsey and Hennepin counties, the mayors of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota, provides advice and oversight. The Central Corridor LRT Project Website is www.centralcorridor.org. |