What a difference seven months makes! 


I walked in to teach class one Wednesday and had a huge surprise. One of our families from Project Elf was waiting to surprise me and to shop in the closets! 


All you have to do is look at the smiles on these mothers' faces and know that they are indeed proud of who they have become over the last seven months. 



They have furniture to sit on, they have kitchens to cook in, and they have piles of laundry to sort through. 


They have not run out of food a single day! Selena has been to work, got a promotion, and managed the cost of her bus-fare every day. 


All of their kids are healthy and actively enrolled in school, the children's rooms have books to read, toys to play with, and beds for every person. 


That has happened every single day since December 24!


It's right about now that it starts hitting these families that their life is on a new trajectory and they actually get to keep it!  



The next six months is when they'll start to look out and reach for a little more. This is when they'll need our help again. This is when they have to grow past a place they've ever been before, a place that is about self reliance within a community of support.


They cannot get out of poverty by themselves. They need the small things that our community continues to offer them, like bus passes, diapers and school clothes. 


The consistent and persistent help that all of you provide really do give the opportunity for a mother to reach a new level and think differently.


They are by no means perfect, but every day they're striving to be better. And I think that might just be the most perfect outcome we could all wish for - the ability to instill hope.


We have three remaining dates this year for helping or dropping items off at the storage unit.  Please mark these Saturdays on your calendar:  August 2, October 4 and November 15


Hours for drop-off are  
Simply Storage is located at 43rd and Hiawatha, just text Mickey at 612-850-6080 to let her know you're there and someone will let you in
Give Freely,
Mickey Mikeworth
Mikeworth Consulting
Items needed:

Please consider donating things such as


Spices, Pots and Pans, Tools, Baking needs, Dinnerware, Full Apron, towels, etc...



Children's hangers, bath products, medicines or vitamins, toothpaste, mouthwash, laundry needs, rolls of quarters for laundry, towels, etc...



Snuggly couch blankets, storage containers, lamps, etc.



Baby drinking cups, tactile toys, gate, highchair, porta-cribs, newborn clothes, infant stroller, infant books, newborn diapers,teething toys, toddler shoes



Child building blocks, books, coloring books and crayons, outdoor play toys, gym, black Barbie and supplies, black baby dolls with blankets and clothes, etc....



Earbuds, nail polish, deep conditioning treatments, makeup brushes, hair decorations pre-teen make-up, etc...



Board games (ALL PIECES NEEDED), sweet smelling perfumes, bangle bracelets, teen jewelry etc... 



Clothes in ALL women's sizes, new underwear all sizes, uplifting books for adults, men's white pocket t-shirts, winter gloves, fleece pajama pants, short socks, basketball shorts, wallets, etc...