May 2018

QCH wins National Award for work in Youth Development
On April 11, QCH was honored as recipient of the first HI Impact Award. The award is given by Algorhythm, a national leader in youth development program evaluation, and bestowed on programs and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional success in youth development. "Each year, we analyze data collected by our growing community of more than 300 programs across 20 states, in order to identify organizations and programs supporting exceptional growth in social emotional learning (SEL)," said Dr. Kim Sabo Flores, CEO of Algorhythm. "SEL is increasingly understood as the key to a young person's development because it strongly predicts success in school, work, and life."
QCH programs scored within the top five percent of 58 organizations nationwide using Algorhythm's Youth Development Impact Learning System during the 2016/2017 school year. Top-performing programs included QCH's After School Program at The Young Women's Leadership School (TYWLS), our Access for Young Women Leadership Program, and our Evening Teen Center. "The results show that our participants are gaining the skills they need to manage their emotions, set and achieve goals, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions," said Helena Ku, QCH AED for Youth Services.

Unfortunately, the recognition comes at a challenging moment for TYWLS and other  middle school programs whose summer programming is threatened to be cut from the city's new budget. "Part of what makes our program a success is our ability to provide year-round service to our participants," says TYWLS Program Director, Lorraine Hernandez. "A summer break from programming disrupts year-round learning goals and creates a gap in our participants' SEL development." 
QCH Celebrates a Long-Time
Community Partner
On May 2, QCH honored St. Luke's Episcopal Church at our sixth annual Celebrating Local Champions Reception.  Father Tom Reese accepted the award on behalf of the church, saying "It is St. Luke's mission to be a multi-cultural, multi-faith support system for our neighbors."
For almost fifteen years, the congregation has organized an annual toy drive for families in QCH's Eviction Prevention Unit, and volunteers from the church were instrumental in helping us start an evening food pantry last year More than 100  guests enjoyed drinks, hors d'oeuvres and live music at Forest Hills' historic West Side Tennis Club.
Adolfo Steve Vasquez, founder of Queenscapes, was presented     with the 2018 Irma Rodriguez Queens Community Builder Award. And r epresentatives from the Queens Night Market   attended and brought a $2,700 check, a percentage of their opening weekend's ticket sales.
We hope you caught NY1's coverage of the event, but if not, check out photos from the event here!