Thank you for subscribing to the REDD+ Weekly Roundup from the UN-REDD Programme. This e-pub contains links to the latest weekly information and knowledge shared on the UN-REDD Programme Online Collaborative Workspace.
13 September 2016 - In This Issue:
The UN-REDD Programme, its collaborating UN agencies -- FAO, UNDP, UNEP -- and donors understand the important role of knowledge sharing in building REDD+ capacities. Each week, new information is made available to REDD+ practitioners around the globe through the UN-REDD Programme Online Collaborative Workspace. Users can also share their own knowledge and connect with each other to create networks. Learn More.

A group of government officials from Côte d'Ivoire's office of the  Prime Minister, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Water   will travel to Costa Rica  alongside representatives from the national REDD+ secretariat and UN-REDD Programme technical advisors from 19-23 September 2016, in order to enhance, strengthen and accelerate the two countries' REDD+ processes and to explore a strategic partnership on REDD+, sustainable agriculture and payments for ecosystems services (PES). The delegation will meet with the Vice-Minister of Environment of Costa Rica, Director of FONAFIFO (Ministry of Environment and Energy) and other government officials, along with representatives of civil society, academia and the UN.  
Upcoming event: Papua New Guinea National Validation Workshop
In late September 2016 (date TBD), the Papua New Guinea national REDD+ Programme, with support from FCPF and technical experts from the UN-REDD Programme, will hold a National Validation Workshop for all relevant stakeholders on the key 'Issues and Options' related to the development of a national REDD+ strategy. 
A National REDD+ expert training will be held during 17-21 October 2016. This event is part of a series of REDD+ trainings being conducted by the Papua New Guinea FCPF team in collaboration and with support from the UN-REDD Programme Asia/Pacific team. 

This resource is made possible through the generous support of the governments of Norway, the European Commission, Denmark, Luxembourg, Japan, Spain and Switzerland.


Content provided by UN-REDD Programme staff and country partners. 


All images used courtesy of license holder or through Creative Commons license.