Wake County

Solid Waste Management Division

REVISED-Fall 2017
Next Meeting
South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee

The next  South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee  meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the  Holly Springs Cultural Center , located at 300 West Ballentine Street, in Holly Springs.

The South Wake Landfill Citizen Committee was established in 2006 prior to the opening of the landfill with the purpose of:
  • Providing a forum for neighbors of the landfill to have a voice in its continuing development
  • Providing a conduit for information between Solid Waste staff and the neighboring community regarding activities at the landfill
If you are interested in becoming a member of the South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee or plan to attend the next meeting,  please notify us ahead of time, so we can be sure there is enough seating.
Upcoming Events

NC State Fair Activities
October 12th 
- 22nd
S ince the landfill first opened in 2008
waste from the State Fair has been delivered to the South Wake Landfill overnight as this is the only time the garbage trucks can get into the fairgrounds safely These operations start around 10 p.m. and run until 6 a.m.   So, from Thursday, October 12th thru Sunday, October 22nd there is the potential for traffic, light and noise from the landfill overnight. We appreciate your patience during this once-a-year event.

86it Campaign Booth

If you visit the fair this year be sure to check out Solid Waste's anti-litter campaign "86it" at the Fair. Stop by the 86it booth inside the CW22 tent and  get a free litter bag and air freshener for your vehicle (while supplies last). Feeling smart? Spin the 86it prize wheel, answer a question about litter correctly, and win a prize. For more information about the 86it anti-litter campaign; including how you can check-out a litter clean-up kit visit the 86it website at:

Join our Fall Clean-up Event
Saturday, October 28 th

Join 86it, Wake County Solid Waste's anti-litter campaign on Saturday, October 28 th to help clean-up litter in some of the worst affected areas of the County. Volunteers will receive an 86it t-shirt, refreshments and community service hours as well as chance to help keep their community clean and safe. Safety vests, litter grabbe rs and trash bags will be provided. For more information or to volunteer c ontact Chelsea Arey at 919-856-6776 or via email

Wake County Recycling Day
Saturday, November 18 th
North Wake Solid Waste Management Facilities

In honor of 'America Recycles Day,'  Wake County Solid Waste will be celebrating their commitment to recycling by hosting
'Wake County Recycling Day'  on Saturday, November 18th, 2017.

Join staff at North Wake Solid Waste Management Facilities at 9029 Deponie Dr in Raleigh. From 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. that day, there will be drive-through service for paper shredding, electronics recycling, household hazardous waste drop-off, and rigid plastics recycling. For more information or to volunteer contact Heather Cashwell via email
Traffic Statistics
Number of Garbage Trucks

Month Trucks/

September 2017
August 2017
July 2017 135
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017

The above table shows the number of garbage trucks tipping waste at the South Wake Landfill over a six month period, from April 2017 thru September 2017. The landfill is open Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. To request more information about truck statistics email us .
Redesign & Improvement
Project Update
New Traffic Patterns
Site plans for the new Convenience Center

Construction is well under way for the redesign of the South Wake Solid Waste Management Facilities. All facilities will remain open to customers throughout construction. However, these projects have brought about a change in traffic patterns, so please follow new signage when using the facilities. To stay up-to-date on all changes to South Wake Solid Waste Management Facilities, follow us on Facebook . To watch a short video of the new site plans click here .
Have Questions?

We strive to keep residents well informed on activities taking place at the landfill and welcome all feedback. If you would like more information, have questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us.
Telephone : 919.856.6424
Address: Wake County, Solid Waste Management Division, P.O. Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602
Director: John W. Roberson,  PE 
Recycling in Schools
New Pilot Project Rolling out
Wake County Solid Waste has sponsored the 'Feed the Bin' school recycling program since 2004. The program provides over 180 public schools with a paper recycling collection service, and offers free educational resources such as staff training, workshops and field trips for grades K-12.
In 2014, Wake County Solid Waste performed a waste audit of Wake County Public Schools. The audit revealed that 29% of the waste -- such as mixed paper, soda cans, glass jars and plastic bottles -- generated in schools could be recycled. After three years of planning, Wake County Solid Waste is happy to announce that the school system has given the green light to implement a commingled pilot project in six Wake County Public Schools. 
Two elementary, two middle and two high schools will be part of the pilot  project which rolls out this October, 2017.  The pilot will help staff gather data and information on the feasibility of transitioning all public schools to a multi-material recycling program in the future. The six schools chosen to participate in the pilot are: 
  • Aversboro Elementary School
  • Fuquay-Varina Middle School 
  • Fuquay-Varina High School
  • Holly Grove Elementary School
  • Holly Grove Middle School
  • Holly Springs High School 
To request more information about the pilot project contact Becky Dunstan , School Recycling Coordinator. To learn more about the 'Feed the Bin' program click here.
Aerosolization Resolution
Leachate Treatment

Leachate storage and pre-treatment at South Wake Landfill

Recently the NC legislature has been considering legislation that would allow the use of aerosolization of landfill leachate at landfills. Landfill leachate is a liquid waste created through the disposal of trash. Aerosolization is the process of collecting and spraying leachate over the landfill to reduce the amount of water in the leachate, through evaporation. The concern with this process is the potential for airborne contaminants to be released into the air. 

At the South Wake Landfill, leachate is currently collected and pre-treated on-site before being sent for treatment at the Town of Holly Springs Wastewater Reclamation Facility. The South Wake Landfill has an industrial user permit with the Town for this purpose and has no need to consider using aerosolization.

To alleviate concerns the Wake County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution on 9.5.2017 stating that Wake County is not considering aerosolization of leachate processing at the South Wake Landfill. For more information about the aerosolization resolution click here.
Tree Planting Program  
Program Update 
Wake County Solid Waste Management Division will offer a tree planting program for neighbors of the South Wake Landfill who can see the landfill from their property. It is intended that these trees would help beautify neighborhoods and, in time, divert the view of the landfill from homes.

The proposed program is outlined in a tree planting program manual that was developed by OBS Landscape Architects for the Wake County Solid Waste Division.   The Forest Springs Homeowners Association (HOA) Board has also provided input on the the types and location of trees for the neighborhood. 

The program manual will be presented to the South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee at the meeting scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, October 4th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Holly Springs Cultural Center.
The application process  will take place this fall/winter prior to a Spring 2018 planting season. The application form will outline eligibility criteria set forth by the HOA Board, the Town of Holly Springs and Wake County.  To request more information about the tree planting program email us.
Odor Control Update
South Wake Landfill

Data compiled from odor complaint forms related to the South Wake Landfill area for April 2017 through September 2017 are listed below.  
Avg complaints per day
Highest # complaints in one day
Date highest # complaints received
# days "0" complaints received
Septembe r
6.0 25 16th 4
24 1st 12
22 29th 14
65 27th 16
4 8th & 29th 16
8 5th 20

The new vapor odor control system purchased by Wake County and Waste Industries was installed on August 28, 2017. The system consists of an eight inch diameter pipe, 3,500 feet long, that spans the southern perimeter of the landfill and disperses a lighter-than-air vapor into the air stream to eliminate odors upon contact.

Byers Scientific & Manufacturing's Waterless Vapor System

Unfortunately, the system is not running as well as planned, and the manufacturer, Byers Scientific and Manufacturing is preparing to add in a variable frequency drive that should alleviate some of the issues experienced over the last month.

John Roberson will continue to issue update emails to advise all interested parties on the progress of the system. If you would like to be added to this mailing list, contact Stephanie Garehan.

Wake County values your feedback. If you notice objectionable odors in your neighborhood or other areas around the South Wake Landfill, please let us know by submitting an online odor complaint form at the time you notice the odor.
Phase One Partial Closure 
Closure Project Update

Installing a low-density polyethylene liner and geocomposite drainage net
Phase One of the South Wake Landfill has reached a point where it can be partially closed.   Shamrock Environmental Corporation was awarded the contract to close a  22-acre area of Phase One by April 2018.  Working in five-acre sections at a time,   the project involves temporarily d isconnecting landfill gas lines and well heads to install a non-permeable liner system. 

The first five-acre section presented some challenges to overcome, which in doing so, should reduce the time needed to close future sections.  Despite some setbacks in the beginning the contractor is nearing completion of the  first five- acre section and the overall project is still expected to finish on time. To request m ore information about the closure project  email us.
Stay Connected
Join us on Facebook

Wake County Solid Waste Management Division is on Facebook sharing information on waste reduction, reuse, recycling and waste disposal services in Wake County. To stay up-to-date on the latest news and events connect with us on  Facebook .