"Donuts. Is there anything they can't do?" - Matt Groening
e-RPDS                                                                                              2/10/2017
Letter from the Director
Dear Redeemer Community,

If You Give a Dad a Donut
 (reprinted with permission from Mrs. Barta's Pre-first)

If you give a dad a donut, he will want coffee to go with it.

After he drinks his coffee, he will want to build a tree house.

After he builds the treehouse, he will want to check Facebook on his iPad.

After he checks his Facebook page, he will eat pizza.

After he eats his pizza, he will want to watch football on TV.

After the football game, he will want to mow the lawn.

After he mows the lawn, he will build a fire.

After he builds a fire, he wants to take a nap.

When he wakes up from his nap, he will take a shower.

After his shower, he will want a cup of coffee.

And chances are if he asks for a cup of coffee, he will want a donut to go with it!

Written by: Annie Cate, Jeremiah, Mckenzie, Madeline, and Reese


Classroom Updates:

Mrs. Arrup & Mrs. Yanega's 2s
Where has the time gone?  I can not believe it is already February!  We have been very busy in our classroom!  Although the weather feels more like spring, we are still embracing winter through our projects. We have  decorated winter hats, painted with ice cubes, designed ice skates and even skated in the hall on wax paper. Oh What fun!  Our little ones got a very special surprise last week from Mrs. Barta's class when they came down to read to us their original creation, If You Give a Dad a Donut.  The boys and girls really enjoyed listening to "the big kids" read to them. Mrs. Yanega and I will work on our February units with the children: the color pink, hearts, friendship and Valentine's Day.  We will be celebrating Valentine's Day next week so please don't forget to send in 11 cards.  We look forward to celebrating with your little love bugs !

Mrs. Wyatt & Mrs. Zuidema's 2s
February has greeted us with some crazy weather, and Punxatauney Phil didn't bring any clarity. During the month of February, our themes include Groundhog Day, love and friendship, Valentine's Day, birds, the color pink and hearts. Some of our Circle Time activities have included a shadow matching game and a heart matching game. We have also been singing Skidamarinkadink with lots of enthusiasm. We are looking forward to celebrating Valentine's Day with all of our friends and exchanging cards. Next week we will be celebrating Friendship Week with the entire school. We have lots of fun activities planned, including a craft and a special snack with the whole school. With the unpredictable weather, please make sure that your children have seasonably, and possibly unseasonably, appropriate clothing in their cubbies. As always, thank you for sharing your children with us.
Mrs. Hooper & Mrs. Grieves' 3s
"Donuts at The Day School" was great fun for us all!  Thank you to the many Dads and Granddads who shared their Friday morning with us.  PINK HEARTS are our February color and shape, while "Jack Be Nimble" is our nursery rhyme for the month. The children are enjoying "jumping over" our lit candlestick (battery operated).  We have been working  on our "All About Me" unit, discussing how each of us is unique and special!  A completely handmade book came home today as a Valentine treat.  The children have worked hard on these keepsakes; we hope you will enjoy them!  Thank you to our party Mom's for a wonderful Valentine's Day celebration.....the children's decorated mailbags also went home today full of cards and goodies.  Next week, we will start our "Senses" unit. This is always a favorite as we have many fun activities and stories that use our Five Senses.  We planted a paper-white bulb and look forward to watching it GROW on our Science table...we will definitely be using our sense of "smell" when it blooms!  CIRCLE-TIME continues to include much discussion and reinforcement of...rhyming, counting, letters, numbers, shapes and colors. Happy Valentine's Day to you all; enjoy your little cherubs! 

Mrs. Schroeder & Miss Ball's 3s
Thank you so much to all our special friends who came to Donuts in the Day School. We hope you all had as much fun as the kids did. February brings us a new poem, shape and colors. We are working on pink and purple, heart, and Jack be Nimble. Just a few days in and we are going great with this nursery rhyme. We are starting an All About Me unit. We will be talking about what we look like, what makes us different and special, and our families. We will also be incorporating feelings and senses. We will be doing a taste test. This is always a fun experiment. We will also have the kids take an fun eye exam and identify different sounds. We continue to work on patterns and have been playing superhero memory game. This is a big hit and our children are great at it. We will be having a small Valentine's Day party so please send in 16 valentines. It is easier for the kids to hand out if they are not addressed. It is also a great practice for writing their names as they sign them. We look forward to seeing you all at conferences on the 24th. Reminder that we are in the library and child care is in our room. This is a good time to check cubbies for clothes and chapel food.

Mrs. Faint & Mrs. Baker's Pre-k
Thanks to all the dads and guests who visited our classroom last week. I hope you got a glimpse into your child's world at school and the variety of experiences that are offered throughout the day. Letter P was great fun with a pirate stopping by to drop off some treasure for us. The children put a great deal of thought and care into drawing their favorite pajamas (peaceful thinking music was playing in the backround)  and then stood in front of the class to explain their drawing. This week has been a bit quieter with talk of queen, quilts, and emphasis on quality work! We took advantage of the gorgeous weather and practiced letter writing outside with chalk and experimented with developing shades of pink then painting with forks on huge sheets of paper. We are also preparing for Valentine's Day with numerous hearts many different materials and supplies. See you soon on conference day!

Mrs. Loeb & Miss Sciuto's Pre-k
The Groundhog was WRONG!  Spring seems to be here.  The last few days have been fabulous and our girls have been taking advantage of it.  We even had Chapel outside!  February is acting more like March!  We loved have our special people in last week to share our day and have donuts.  We have never seen so many smiles and laughs  at one time. Thank you all for making it such a lovely day!  We are working on the letter "Q" with the ' kwa' sound and therefore struggled with snack - but then we came up with Queen Cake!  We've been working on opposites, rhyming, and number recognition.  Lots to do in Pre-K!  Our Science teacher, Mrs. Craig , did a wonderful  project with the children this week - they made quicksand.  Chelsea said " Look Mrs. Loeb, my hands are full of fun!" Best  comment ever!  

Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Vandenberg's Kindergartens
Kindergarten is very excited to explore the world of dinosaurs over the next few weeks! Each child will get to become an expert on a particular dinosaur and teach the class about it. We will make a dinosaur portfolio to bring home at the end of our unit. In language arts, please keep encouraging your child to sound out words as they write. We are learning about "bossy r" and other "rules" of the English language that make reading easier. Please keep practicing writing the numerals at home too.
                We are in need of one or two liter bottles for our upcoming units. Thank you for all of the kind words and support that you give us. Your partnership with us makes your child's kindergarten experience the best ever! We look forward to talking with you about your child at conferences.

Mrs. Barta's Pre-first
Thank you to all the Dads and special guests that came to our class for "Donuts in the Day School." The children were very excited to show off all their work especially the book that they wrote, If you Give a Dad a Donut. They are all proud of their accomplishments thus far in Pre-first, as they should be. I have seen such growth and development in each student. February is an exciting month in Pre-first. We have been busy writing and learning about Groundhog's Day, the 100th day of
school, important presidents and valentines day. In Math, we continue learning about symmetry, number comparisons, parts and total number stories, measuring, money and skip counting. Our next unit we will explore the age of dinosaurs.

Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch loves their friends! We have been working on being kind to everyone and having good manners at lunch! So far in table manners we have been working on: sitting in our seat nicely, staying in our seat and asking to get up from the table! We are always working on picking up our trash and helping friends, but will be refocusing on this soon as well as pushing in our chairs.We are also focusing on Friendship. In order to be inclusive of everyone, we are encouraging the children not to use the term "bestie" or talk about a single best friend. We appreciate your help with this at home. We want the children to know that they can have many friends at the same time! We like to tell the children "you can't say you can't play" (unless they want to be alone) We want to let all children be included unless they need some time to themselves. We have many Valentines and general art projects coming up this month. We are going to make many kinds of hearts and enjoy creating art that comes from each child's imagination. Thank you all for sending your child to Lunch Bunch and please remember to make sure your child has weather appropriate extra clothing in their cubbies!! Thank you!

Office Notes
Student Contracts
Student contracts and enrollment deposits for the 2017-2018 school year are due TODAY. If you do not plan to re-enroll your child and have received a contract, please notify the office. We maintain an active waiting list of families who are eager to hear about enrollment opportunities. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Knott or Katie Poe.


Friday, February 17th - NO SCHOOL -Professional Day

Monday, February 20th- NO SCHOOL- Presidents' Day

Friday,February 24th- Parent Conferences 5/3, Pre-k,
Kindergarten and Pre-first- school NOT IN SESSION for these classes.  The 3 day 2s and 3 day 3s WILL BE IN SCHOOL. 

On Friday March 31st, 2017, the Parent Council will host our Annual Auction and Social!   Parents, faculty and friends will come together for a night of music, food, drinks, raffling of prizes and silent auction.  This event is the main fundraiser for Redeemer and an incredibly fun evening.  You want to book your babysitter NOW!

Click here if you would like to make a donation.

Program Highlights:
100th Day of School
Kindergarten and Pre-first and their
100 Day Quilt

100 Days of Redeemer Fun!

100 Days Smarter!

What will I look like when I am 100?

If I had a $100...

Donuts at the Day School
Please be sure to click on the slideshow under the Quicklinks section to see more!


Donuts at the Day School

Please visit our website

Interested in learning more about our 

Please visit:

http://www.redeemerbaltimore.or g/
to learn more about 
The Church of the Redeemer


Community News

Parent's Morning Out

If you are interested, please click here for more information or contact:

Margee Sullivan


Susan King

RYG performs Seussical, Jr.

"Oh, the thinks you can think" when Dr. Seuss' best-loved characters collide and cavort in an unforgettable musical caper!  Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat and all of your favorite Dr. Seuss characters will spring to life onstage in Seussical JR., a fantastical musical extravaganza performed by RYG.

Please join us in the Parish Hall for any of the following performances:

Friday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 4 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, March 5 at 12:30 p.m.

Speaker Series at 
Brown Memorial School

Topics include: 
  • healthy Sleep habits
  • outdoor play
  • healthy eating
Please click here for more information!

Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Mary Knott, Director