
Another gruesome attack by radical Islamic terrorists. Our hearts and prayers go out to the family of Alaa Al Muhandis, a Canadian woman who lost her life in this attack.  

These cowards do not think twice about attacking women and children at a Christmas Market.

We cannot afford to be complacent and assume that Canada is immune to these threats, when we know that’s not true

Canada needs a leader who will call this threat what it is: radical Islamic terrorism. 

A Canadian values test won’t make Canadians safe. Terrorists won’t share their true values with our immigration officials. 

Canada needs a leader who will ensure that our immigration system has the resources to keep terrorists out of our country.   

We need to focus on analyzing facts and reducing risk – not measuring values.   

We need to increase and enhance our assessment processes, including face-to-face screening, particularly of those from high risk regions.   

Canada needs a leader who will join our allies in using our military to fight terrorism. 

I understand what it takes to protect our county and make national security a priority. 

If you are concerned about radical Islamic terrorism and Canadian and global security, support my leadership campaign today.

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Pierre Lemieux