Fundraising with SilpadateamsDancer


Don't want or need to raise funds? Please forward this email on to
anyone you know who might - I really appreciate it!  
Raise funds for your favorite charity, a deserving family, your child's sports team, a student trip, or much needed equipment for a local organization. Silpada jewelry fundraisers are not only easy and profitable, but are a refreshing change from typical fundraisers. Read more below to find out how I can help you raise needed funds.
How My Silpada Fundraisers Work
Party Fundraisers

Conducted just like a regular Silpada home party, party fundraisers are held in a hostess' home or at a local meeting place.  This could be the beneficiary organization's building, a local restaurant or fire hall, to name a few.


Invitations are sent out 3 or more weeks ahead of time and guests are encouraged to RSVP and bring a guest. 


Guests who cannot attend are invited to shop online to benefit the fundraiser.


The party allows guests to view the jewelry and speak with the organizers about the fundraiser and how the funds will help the beneficiaries. 


Catalog Fundraisers*



Perfect for raising money for groups such as sports teams or dance academies, catalog fundraisers are conducted much like any school fundraiser.


I create an envelope with each seller's name which contains everything he/she will need for the fundraiser (catalogs, order forms, etc.).  


We set a goal for each seller to collect 5 orders.  At the end of a two or three week period, I pick up all envelopes from the coordinator. 


All jewelry ships directly to the customer. No delivery needed! I drop off the check for your group to the coordinator.  


*I can also structure my fundraisers to help individual group members earn money towards things like dance costumes, musical instruments, airfare, and more. When structured this way, the donation chart below does not apply and more specific earning criteria is set so that individuals have incentive to sell for their personal benefit.

How Much Money Can Be Raised?

I have had great success in my past fundraising efforts with very little effort on behalf of myself and the organizer. The fact is, Silpada jewelry is high quality and backed by a lifetime guarantee. It literally sells itself!
I base my donation to your fundraiser on retail sales. The more you sell, the more you earn. Here is my sliding scale:
Retail Sales                            Percentage Donated

$500 - $800                          20% of retail sales
$801+                                    25% of retail sales

Approximately 1 to 2 weeks after the fundraiser, I write a check to the organization and either mail it directly or to the organizer.
It's really THAT easy!
About Adriane
Selling Silpada Designs Jewelry since 2009

Adriane OhrumI am a work at home mother of a exuberant and creative 7 year old son, and I work with my husband for our home-based web design business as a social media consultant.

I began selling Silpada after discovering the jewelry at a festival in 2006. I was instantly smitten with the jewelry and when I started selling it, I only did it for the free jewelry. After I earned $1300 in free jewelry in my first 3 months, I quickly realized that I was also making easy money! 

Fast forward 2 years and I have gotten so much from selling Silpada that I never expected. It is so easy to sell and I have so much fun going out and meeting new people and having a job that sends me to a party every time! I have been able to work this job part time and earn a second income that has helped me pay for both needs and wants! I can't say enough good things about this company!

Silpada has worked for me with little effort and I know it can work for you, too. With no inventory, no quotas and no presentation, the opportunity Silpada offers to us is truly a "no brainer". If you'd like to know more about what I do, you can call me to discuss. You can also get a GREAT taste of a Silpada rep's life by joining me at a Rep Road Rally in Harrisburg on Wednesday, May 4th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Contact me for details. I'll give you a beautiful keepsake sterling silver ring just for joining me!
In This Email
How It Works
How Much $$ Is Raised?
About Adriane
Who Can Raise Funds?
Sports Teams
Marching Bands
Dance Academies
Religious Groups
Historical Societies
Theater Groups
Community Action Groups
...and anyone who knows a friend or family in need!
Adriane Ohrum

Contact Information

Adriane Ohrum
Silpada Designs
Save 20%
Join My Birthday Club!
Email me your name, address, phone number and your birth date, and I'll enter you in my Birthday Club! At the begging of your birth month, you'll receive a postcard coupon from me offering you 20% off any one item during your birth month! Who doesn't love THAT? So contact me today and enter my club and save on that piece of Silpada jewelry you've been eying - you deserve it!!