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Board Updates

Congratulations to ICH Board Member Dr. David Bor!
ICH congratulates Dr. David Bor on his recent appointment to the Board of Directors of the Lown Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring the relationship between the doctor and patient and protecting patients from inappropriate tests and treatments.
June 2014 
Dear ICH Supporter,

Here at ICH, we're raising the bar for public health innovation. We're exploring new engagement strategies, for example, harnessing technology to promote community health advancement. Whether a long-standing or recent partner, we're committed to developing creative and engaging approaches for identifying and addressing community needs. 

As we wrap up this fiscal year, we reflect on our many exciting projects and partnerships -- from the Community Wellness Map to Real World Public Health Day. Please help us ring in our new year on a high note with a tax-deductible donation to ICH. We thank you for your commitment to community health and look forward to continued opportunities for partnership! 


In Good Health, 
Executive Director
Innovation at ICH
Arts-Based Evaluation Approaches for Youth Engagement

ICH is piloting interactive, creative, arts-based approaches to youth involvement in evaluation. Our Research & Evaluation Scientist, Julie Carpineto, and Research Associate, Kelly Washburn, have co-developed a media-based evaluation of how youth perceive healthy relationships. Youth pulled images they thought represented healthy relationships, created dynamic collages with peers, and participated in focus groups to unpack these visual representations. Read more about this innovative approach.

Looking for a creative way to evaluate your program? Check out our Program Evaluation service and contact us for more info!
ICH Partners with the Engagement Game Lab
ICH is teaming up with the Engagement Game Lab (EGL) to
implement a community health planning process using Community PlanIT, a unique, participatory technology for civic engagement. Community PlanIt has been used both domestically and internationally for planning processes, but this will be the first iteration for community health. Check out EGL's recent feature in BostInno for more information on this unique approach!
Training Opportunities with ICH
ICH Workshop at AAPI Mental Health Forum

Research & Evaluation Scientist, Shalini Tendulkar, and Research Associate Nazmim Bhuiya presented a Photovoice workshop at the 5th Annual Asian American and Pacific Islander Mental Health forum at Simmons College. This workshop covered planning and implementing a

Photovoice project and addressed strengths and challenges associated with the method.


Learn about training opportunities with ICH

What Our Partners Say About Us

"During my time at ICH, I had a wonderful experience working with very dedicated and supportive team members. I learned the value of working with a strong team, especially when reporting an immense amount of data concisely but accurately."


- Sami Hamdan

Boston University School of Public Health Intern


Interested in interning at ICH? Email us at [email protected] and check out our ICH Internship Page.
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The Institute for Community Health is a nationally recognized catalyst for sustainable community health improvement, uniting real world practice with academic research.

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