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Port of Redwood City Annual RePort to the Community

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We are pleased to present our annual  RePort  to the Community.  

The report covers the Port's fiscal year, which in this instance is July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016.  Like the City of Redwood City, we operate our fiscal year from those dates as opposed to a calendar year of January-December.

The Port was established under the City of Redwood City charter as a department of the City and is managed by the Board of Port Commissioners, whose five members are appointed to four year terms by the City Council.

The Port's business is comprised of three major segments:

Maritime - activities related to the import and export of waterborne cargoes.
Recreational boating - activities related to the operation of a public marina, boat launch facility and dry boat storage facility.
Commercial - activities related to the leasing of land and buildings not directly association with maritime activities. 

I invite you to click on this link to see a list an d brief description of Port businesses.

The Port is one of California's most diversified small ports and operates from its own revenues receiving no tax dollars.

Thank you for your interest in the Port.

Board of Port Commissioners

Highlighting Our Year

Recapping the Port's Fiscal Year
 (July 1, 2015 -June 30, 2016) 

Financial Performance 
The Port Commission received the unaudited annual financial report for FY 2016 at a recent meeting.  The gross operating revenue was $6.780 million, which was up slightly by 1.0percent over the previous year. Operating expenses of $4.279 million were also up by 6.0 percent and non-operating of $0.921 million (down by 19% from last year) resulting in  a net income for FY 2016 of $1.580 million.  Included in the FY 2016 expenses is depreciation expense of approximately $1.289 million, which is an accounting entry and not an actual out-of-pocket expense.

Last year the Port completed the berth maintenance dredging project to increase the depth alongside the wharves where ships are berthed to minus 34 feet.  The cost of this project was $1.815 million, which will be amortized over next five years.

Channel Dredging
The $12 million maintenance dredging for most of our channel to 30 feet was completed in January 2016, culminating a seven-month project to bring the channel to this depth for the first time in several years.  This enables our shippers to bring in fuller and more economic loads of cargo and likewise benefits our exporter of scrap metal to the Far East. The bigger Panamax ships bringing construction materials to the Port have deeper drafts. Maintaining the channel at its fully authorized depth is critically important to increase the transportation efficiency of these larger ships.


Also completed was ship berth maintenance dredging at wharves 1-4. This project dredged the berths to a design depth of -34' MLLW.  The greater depth at the berths enables the ships greater maneuverability when entering and leaving the Port docks.

Marine Fender Project
The Port initiated steps to make repairs and improvements to Wharves 3 and 4 that are necessary to handle the large ocean going ships calling at the Port. The concrete wharves were built about 30 years ago and though the wharves are in fairly good condition the fenders are deteriorated and need major repairs or replacement. 

Construction will begin in June of 2017 and will include removal and disposal of old fenders, installing new steel pile mooring dolphins at Wharf 3; retaining the existing dolphins at Wharf 4 with new mooring panels; and minor repair to both wharves.  The steel truss walkways connecting the dolphins at the north end of Wharf 4 to Wharf 3 will be replaced.

T he marine fenders are on the waterside of the wharves facing the area where the ships are tied up.
CSL Tacoma 2
Panamax size ship

Fenders protect the wharves from the lateral force of ships when they are docking or maneuvering to leave the dock. The fenders also provide a safe and secure structure for the ships to berth against when tied up to the wharves.

When completed wharves 3 and 4 will be able to dock dry bulk ships of a size known as "Panamax," the largest ships currently able to pass through the Panama Canal. 

Cargo Tonnage
Cargo moving across the docks at the Port tonnage declined slightly by five percent for the fiscal year that ended June 30. However, the total tonnage was third highest at the Port over the past 10 years at 1,637,682 metric tons. This reflects the continuing strong demand for construction materials in Silicon Valley and the South Bay, particularly the high quality sand and aggregates shipped to the Port from British Columbia. 

Port Tenants Business
The Commission approved expanding acreage use by International Materials Incorporated (IMI) for its handling of bauxite ore imports.  Bauxite is a reddish orange colored material used in the production of cement and concrete.  The Commission also approved a new agreement with Seaport Refining & Environmental, LLC, for its recycling facility at the Port. The business is a fuel terminal and 1,000 barrel a day transmix plant located on 2.3 acres on Seaport Boulevard between the Port Administrative building, Sims Metal Management, and Central Concrete. Seaport is permitted to process transmix (off-spec fuels), store and sell recycled products of diesel, bio-diesel, and 87 octane gasoline. 

Port Art Contest
Winners for the Port of Redwood City category in the 53rd annual Redwood City Sequoia Art Group spring show were Marian Vanden Bosch, who took 1st place for her port scene, and Bob Hillis, who took 2nd place for his wildflowers of the Port. 
First place winner

Public Waterfront Access & Recreation  
Public Access

The Port has more than one mile of waterfront public access, walkways, and viewing areas. These include waterfront parks with picnic areas, restrooms, and parking. Fishing is allowed from the public fishing pier. The Port has the only public boat launching facility with access to San Francisco Bay south of Coyote Point. The Port operates a dry boat storage facility next to the public boat
port launching ramp
Port boat launch ramp
launch ramp.

Port of Redwood City Marina

The Port operates a modern 190-berth marina facility.  For berthing information, contact Spinnaker Sailing at 650-363-1390. The Sequoia Yacht Club ( has its nautical-themed clubhouse and deck overlooking the Marina. They offer a junior sailing program to teach young people sailing and navigation. Also located at the Marina is Spinnaker Sailing School
Youth sailing a the Port
(, offering internationally certified sailing courses.

Waterfront Festivals and Public Events

Public events and festivals include visits by historic ships and sailing vessels. Tallships frequently visit the Port, offering public tours and special educational events for Redwood City schools. Each spring the Port is the location for the "Opening Day" of the boating season with a decorated boat parade. Crew boat races,
Lady Washington visits Port
Hawaiian Outrigger canoe races, sailing regattas, & PortFest are regularly held on the Port's waterfront. PortFest is held the first Saturday of each year. Redwood City's famous 4th of July, prominent because of the Peninsula's biggest annual parade, caps off with a spectacular fireworks show from the Port. 
Port Hosts Fireworks on 4th of July



Port of Redwood City: The Recycling Port  

port good
Port overview
The Port of Redwood City is one of the leading environmental ports in the nation. Several of the Port's businesses are engaged in recycling materials.
  • Sims Metal Management recycles more than 300,000 scrapped vehicles per year and exports the scrap metal to the Far East and South Asia by ship.
  • Cemex Aggregate recycles concrete and asphalt.
  • Seaport Refining and Environmental recycles petroleum pipeline waste for resale as useable fuel.
  • Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. transships millions of gallons a year of recycled industrial fuel.


Employee & Commissioner News During Year
Three Port Commissioners were reappointed to four-year terms in July by the Redwood City Council. They are:
  • Richard "Dick" Claire.
  • Ralph A. Garcia
  • Lorianna Kastrop
Claire, who was first appointed to the commission in 2007 and reappointed in 2012, had served 21 years on the Redwood City Council, including four as mayor, and seven years on the Redwood City Planning Commission. 

Garcia was first appointed to the Port Commission in 2005, and reappointed in 2007 and 2012. He previously served 10½ years on the Redwood City Planning Commission, including a two-year term as commission chairman.
Kastrop was first appointed to the Port Commission in June of 2008 and reappointed to another four-year term in June 2012.  She was the second woman in history appointed to the position and the first woman to serve as Chair of the Commission. 
Retiring in February were Rita Artist, executive assistant/clerk for the board since 1999, and
Santiago Talamantes & Rita Artist
Santiago Talamantes, lead maintenance worker since 1996.

Manuel Acosta was hired to replace Talamantes. He previously worked as the maintenance electrician and yard operations foreman for 23 years at Pete's Harbor in Redwood City.

Another former Pete's Harbor employee, Giorgio Garilli, has joined the Port as assistant manager of operations and administrator. He served 15 years as harbormaster and facility general manager at
Giorgio Garilli
Pete's Harbor.

PortFest Set for Saturday, October 1
Enjoying PortFest
Join Us this October 1, 2016,  
at Redwood City PortFest!
Saturday, October 1 is your opportunity to explore the Port of Redwood City during the annual Redwood City PortFest, a free community festival to celebrate the working and recreational waterfront. PortFest is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Port has released several announcements about the event.  For complete details, go to  Here you can see the bands and entertainment slated for PortFest.
You can download a printable version of the latest PortFest schedule " Plan Your Day PortFest Schedule" by clicking on this link:

For more information about the Port of Redwood City, visit  
Meet Port Commissioners
 A five-member Port Commission is appointed by the Redwood City Council.  The Commission regularly meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 8 a.m. at the Port offices, 675 Seaport Blvd. All meetings are open to the public.  You can get agendas and minutes from the Port's website.

Port Commissioners are:
  • Dick Claire:  a financial and accounting professor at Canada College in Redwood City. He also is a former Redwood City mayor. Serving since 2007. 
  • Simms Duncan:  a Vice President of Project Finance with Hanwha Q Cells, USA. Serving since 2014.
  • Richard "Dick" Dodge: owns an office supply business, T.H.E. Office City. Serving since 1980.
  • Ralph Garcia: owns a vacuum and sewing center in Redwood City. Serving since 2005.
  • Lorianna Kastrop: vice president and controller of The Kastrop Group, Inc. Architects in Redwood City. Serving since 2008.

dick dodge
Dick Dodge
lorianna kastrop
Lorianna Kastrop
ralph garcia
Ralph Garcia
Simms Duncan
Simms Duncan
dick claire
Richard Claire 
Meet Port Staff
* Michael J. Giari, Executive Director
* Margaret Astesano, Executive Assistant/Administrator
* Rajesh C. Sewak , Director of Finance and Administration
* Donald K. Snaman, Director of Operations
* Giorgio Garilli, Asst. Mgr. of Operations & Administrator 
* Linda Hawkins, Accountant
* Manual Acosta  , Port Maintenance 
* Jorge Ganoza, Port Maintenance
Executive Director Michael J. Giari

Port of Redwood City  |  675 Seaport Blvd  |  Redwood City, CA 94063

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