Nursing Resource Centers
A publication of HealthImpact      
April 2017 EDITION
In This Issue
 formerly the California Institute for Nursing and Health Care 
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Update on the Enhanced CCPS 

As the Foundation for California Community Colleges is closer to completing the development of CCPS (2.0), FCCC will schedule opportunities to help you get familiar with the new features and share your thoughts and ideas. Once the project is complete, regions will be able to move to the new CCPS upon request, with assistance from our team to make the transition smooth and seamless.

Last year FCCC visited several user communities, including South Florida and the Bay Area, to share our vision for CCPS 2.0. During these meetings valuable feedback was collected that has helped shape many of the changes you will see in the new CCPS. As a follow up, FCCC  recently provided demos of the development progress to small groups from each of these areas.

Recent demos have included a preview of several new features, as well as a discussion about how to improve the on-boarding process for students.

Enhancements in progress include:
  • Modern design and simplified navigation
  • Responsive layout that works on tablets and mobile devices
  • Dashboard that provides an at-a-glance view of key information and activity
  • Flexibility to incorporate cohort, preceptor, and allied health placement types
The FCCC is excited to continue involving regional partners in this work as the development process is completed, and would like to thank the users in each of the nine regional markets for their continued feedback and support of this tool.  

Timeline of Activities
While FCCC is finishing the development process, some of the activities planned include:
  • "Sneak peek" at some of the new features; beta testing with pilot sites
  • Regional Planning meetings to determine rollout schedules
  • Announcement of rollout schedules
This update impacts the nine regions throughout the country currently using CCPS, as well as new regions in the process of adopting the tool. FCCC will be working with regional coordinators to select the best time for each individual region to transition to the new CCPS. Once your region requests to begin the implementation process, you should expect regular updates and a more detailed timeline related to learning about new features, signing up for training opportunities, and migrating your data from the current CCPS.

Data Migration
The FCCC is committed to ensuring that migrating data from the current to the new CCPS is as simple as possible. FCCC is in the process of developing streamlined data collection and uploading processes related to both provider and school data as well as Historical Placement cycles. 

If you have any questions related to the development and implementation of the new CCPS, please contact Kathy DeGuerre, Health Care Programs and CCPS Support Manager, FCCC,  at   [email protected].

The FCCC appreciates your patience and support and we look forward to providing you improved solutions for streamlining the clinical placement process!

The Foundation for California Community Colleges 
The Foundation for California Community Colleges is looking for your Participation 

"CCPS Development Survey"
Help the Foundation for California Community Colleges design the CCPS 2.0 Dashboard
The Foundation for California Community Colleges recently sent CCPS Users the CCPS Development Survey.  Please look for the survey in your inbox and take a few quick minutes to complete it.  Your feedback will be used to help the technical team to design a dashboard that incorporates your needs.

How you can help

CCPS Users will determine which dashboard components will be most helpful to your site. Some of the options might include: 
  • Pending placement requests by course
  • Assigned placement requests by provider
  • Assigned placements scheduled to start in the next month
  • Alert when an Affiliation Agreement is about to expire
  • Other: What would you like to see?
  Check your email or select the link below to complete the survey

Thank you for your participation
The Foundation for California Community Colleges
CCPS Fall/Winter Planning Cycle 2017
April 3 - April 21, 2017 
(Preceptor placement decisions due May 12) 
Hospitals review proposed requests and make placement decisions. Hospitals are encouraged to accept long-standing/historic placements and to decline proposals they know they cannot accommodate as quickly as possible, as a courtesy to schools. 

If you need assistance or have any questions please contact:
LANRC [email protected](213) 804-2184
BANRC [email protected] (510) 295-9599

Helpful Placement Tips

When it is time to respond to your placement requests
  • Run the Placement Calendar report so that you can see all your requests in a calendar view. This report makes it VERY easy to see overlapping requests.
  • Once you print the placement calendar report, use different colored highlighters to identify which requests you will accept, repropose or decline. This will make it easier when you go to the Placement Summary page to actually status each of your requests.
  • If you cannot accept a request to the original unit requested, but have other units in the same department that are set up with the same availability, you may click on the drop-down arrow to select another dept/unit/location option and accept the request on an alternate unit.
  • If you would like a school to select a different day or a different unit then originally requested, select the "repropose" status, and add a comment explaining what change is needed. This will allow schools to make the edit and resubmit the request to you.
  • If you would want to accept more or fewer # of students than is indicated in the # placing column, you may edit the default # that appears in this field so that it reflects the # of students you want to accept.  
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.