The latest news, information and highlights from CDPS.
The Public Safety Post
Dear CDPS members,

Let’s talk tech.

We have more tech tools than ever before to help us get our work done more efficiently, accurately and effectively. At the same time, the pace of change can be overwhelming. Learning and adapting to new systems requires an initial investment that can sometimes feel burdensome. If we can soldier through the pchange together, however, the effort is almost always worth it.

A few such changes are in progress or on the horizon for CDPS as part of statewide initiatives:

  • Tracking time and leave through a standardized electronic timekeeping system (Kronos),

  • Protecting our information and assets from cyber-threats via Google 2-Step Verification,

  • Implementing a system that can notify employees of emergencies via text, phone call and email (Swift911),

  • And using an updated Human Resources Information System (HRIS) to better integrate employees’ personnel data, payroll, time, benefits and more.

Each of these new technologies aims to empower you with better and safer access to accurate information. They also seek to eliminate duplication and ensure greater accountability and cost savings for the taxpayers who fund our existence.

I hope you’ll join me in moving through these changes like...moving through a yoga practice. I’ll give you a moment to pause and imagine me doing yoga. Hopefully that will bring a smile to your face.

But here’s what I mean: Breathe deeply. Work on being flexible. Be OK with a little discomfort. Choose your attitude and “intention.” And keep in mind that the goal of this exertion is to make us healthier as an organization.

Stan Hilkey, Executive Director 
Policy Update:


Q: Which of these items can NOT be recycled?
A. Milk carton   B. Frozen lunch package   C. Water bottle

Submit your answer by Oct. 6. If you are correct, you will be entered in a drawing to win a small prize.

August answer: 65% of CBI Forensic Scientists are women. Winner: Amy Shish, DHSEM

Newsletter Name Winner

Congratulations to Anastasiya Schomaker for submitting the name that CDPS employees voted to select for this newsletter! (The Public Safety Post.)

We Hear You: Communications Survey Outcomes & Response
In September, we sent a survey asking about our recent communications efforts. More than 400 CDPS employees responded. We learned that a solid majority of you generally like this new e-newsletter and those who saw the Hangout also liked it. You gave us excellent feedback on ways to make our communications better and more relevant. 

Based on your feedback, we'll be working to shorten this newsletter and include the important news from each division. We need your participation in that effort: make sure to submit news and story ideas (see footer ). 

New Unit Arms CSP with Data to Save Lives

Do crashes increase on
I-25 during home football game days? Which stretches of highway experience the most crashes? How many citations did the Patrol write for texting while driving?

A new unit at the Colorado State Patrol collects, analyzes and releases data to answer these and many other questions. The Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) launched in June 2016 as a “one stop shop” for traffic and crash-related data and information.   Read more about the CAU and how they contribute to saving lives...

CIAC Trained more than 100 Terrorist Liaison Officers in 2016
As part of the information sharing network, the Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) has established the Terrorist Liaison Program (TLO). The TLO is an identified person within an agency (law enforcement, fire, military, public health, etc.) who is responsible for coordinating terrorist and other criminal intelligence information between the CIAC and their agency.

The CIAC has completed all TLO classes for 2016. This year over 100 new TLOs were trained and added to our information sharing network.  Next year’s focus will be to conduct in-service training for all current TLOs, so there will be no new classes until 2018.  Colorado’s TLO Program started in 2007 and has trained over 880 professionals to date.
OIT has 44 professionals working to support CDPS and will be launching a new web site to better serve the Department. 

More than half of CDPS employee have enrolled. Have you?

Deadline to apply was Sept. 23.

Get tips for a GREAT review and managing your employees to be their best.

Do you know what can and can't be recycled? Want to get involved? Read this article.

Colorado's Incident and Information Management earned 8.6 out of 10 points.

Competitors vie for Titles at CSP Fit Games

Nearly 70 competitors vied for fittest, fastest and strongest during the 4th annual CSP Fit Games on Aug. 27. Congratulations to Jeff Chmielewski of CSP and Shanley Brezen of CBI for taking the title of CDPS Fittest Person! View the winners and results here.
CDPS Remembers 9/11

Representatives from DHSEM, DFPC and the State Patrol gave their time on the weekend of September 11 to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 and to participate in a statewide remembrance event in Denver.
CBI Hosts Ice Cream Social

CBI invited CDPS employees to take a momentary pause in the day to network with fellow CDPS members and enjoy ice cream sundaes on Sept. 8. CBI hosted ice cream socials in Lakewood, Pueblo and Grand Junction as a fun kick-off to fall and the football season.
DFPC Unveils MMA Educational Video

DFPC's Multi-Mission Aircraft provide near real-time information to ground forces during wildfires. Incident Commanders can order these aircraft to aid them in making sound tactical decisions, improving the safety and efficiency of the response.   DFPC recently completed an educational video explaining the MMA and other advances being made by the Division in fire prevention and control.
People on the Move
Joe Thome Hired as New Deputy Director of DCJ

The Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) within the Department of Public Safety recently filled the newly created role of Deputy Director for the Division. On Sept. 19, Joe Thome officially began serving as Deputy Director of DCJ.

Joe has worked at the local, state, and federal level during three decades in the justice and correctional fields. Read More About Joe...
EDO Welcomes Tip-arpar Karasudhi as Chief Financial Officer for CDPS
On Sept. 6, 2016, Tip-arpar Karasudhi assumed the role of Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Public Safety.

The CFO position is one of several new positions created within the Executive Director’s Office. During the alignment process last fall, we determined that a centralized, leadership-level financial role would be critical to our department’s success in achieving standardized and efficient financial processes and outcomes within CDPS. 

Tip comes to CDPS after spending more than a dozen years in financial positions of increasing responsibility and leadership at the University of Colorado Boulder. Meet Tip...

Do you have ideas for good-news stories, events, "People on the Move", or other content to share with all CDPS employees? Submit your story ideas, details and photos by the 10th of the month to your Division PIO or to [email protected].