In Reading...there is Power!
Since 2003, over 1,875 students tutored

Imagine you are just beginning first grade. You are so excited to learn how to read. However, the other children seem to know so much more than you. You can't understand what you are supposed to do with this worksheet. What the teacher is saying just doesn't make sense to you. You get frustrated. Soon you stop trying. The teacher gets mad. You say, "Reading is boring," but what you really think is, "I'm not good enough."


Now imagine this: You are in first grade. It is hard for you. However, every day you get to go to Reading Power. For these 35 minutes, you can do no wrong. It's tough work, but you can do it. You are successful in Reading Power. Little by little, first grade isn't so difficult anymore. Now you have caught up with the other children. You are on top of the world, and you feel so special when your Reading Power volunteer tutors work with you each day. 


Reading Power tutors the lowest achieving kindergarten, first, and second grade children in North Chicago and Zion, Illinois. Our research-based curricula have been locally developed by a doctorate level literacy specialist and designed to be used by trained volunteers who are supervised by literacy professionals. This model just plain works. The school districts have come to rely on us to help the children who, without our one-to-one help, might fail. 

Reading Power's Busy Spring!
Family Library 


Reading Power's annual Family Library Night at the North Chicago Public Library was a laughter-filled evening of books, balloons, and bonding. RP students and families reveled in the creations of balloon artist David Evans, while Rebecca excitedly read the classic children's picture book, Silly Sally by Audrey Wood. Summer literacy activities were shared with parents as RP volunteers and staff helped students and siblings craft fun bookmarks. Snacks and books from Bernie's Book Bank were given to all the children to top off a 'silly' and memorable family library night! 

Tutor Appreciation Reception


Saying 'thank you' to our 160 plus devoted, volunteer tutors is something Reading Power tries to do daily. Our annual Tutor Appreciation Reception, hosted at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Lake Forest, lets us say it festively. This special evening toasted our many dedicated volunteers who loved visiting with each other and sharing student stories. The 'icing on the cake' was the icing on a Reading Power cake offering sweet thanks to the passionate individuals who make our program possible.







Author Day & Celebrations


Our students' greatest literacy strides are made in spring when students read aloud on Author Day the books they have imagined, drafted, edited, and published during Writer's Workshop. Students' book topics ranged from animal tales to zombies, with a wide creative mix in between. RP students write throughout the year. Writer's Workshop engages them further in the writing process and the decision-making aspects of authorship. On Author Day, pride and excitement radiate from students and tutors.

RP ends the tutoring year by honoring our students at our annual Celebrations. These bittersweet goodbyes celebrate students' growth and hard work. RP students receive certificates, books from Bernie's Book Bank, summer literacy activities, and hugs and high fives! 



"The Reading Power program has empowered our students to become better readers and writers while building their self-confidence." 
~Lynn Butera, Principal, Beulah Park Elementary, Zion District 6
About Reading Power, Inc.

Reading Power is a literacy tutoring program serving low-achieving children attending elementary schools. Our mission is to accelerate children's literacy learning and to develop in them a love of reading and writing. We accomplish this goal through an independent tutoring programing working in partnership with schools, teachers, and parents. We believe all children deserve to reach their intellectual potential. We currently tutor kindergarten, first, and second grade students in North Chicago and Zion, Illinois by providing one-to-one, early literacy interventions.

Reading Power (RP) is a volunteer organization led by reading professionals. Each RP classroom is closely overseen by a site-coordinator and professional tutor alongside well-trained, passionate volunteer tutors working one-to-one with students during the school day. Our volunteers and professional staff are trained by Executive Director of Programs, Rebecca Mullen, MSEd., who oversees our program in both school districts. 

Reading Power's one-to-one first grade tutoring intervention is modeled in part after Project Prevent - a program developed by National-Louis University and incorporates facets of Reading Recovery, an internationally renowned early intervention literacy program. The kindergarten and second grade tutoring programs were developed by Dr. Hender for the North Chicago elementary schools and adapted for use by volunteer tutors. A student enrolled in Reading Power is tutored 3-5 days a week for 20-35 minutes. Our volunteers commit to tutoring one morning or afternoon a week during the school year and attend detailed training sessions to start the year and additional training each week at tutoring.

Reading Power distinguishes itself from other tutoring programs in two distinct ways: We tutor during the school day thus are able to teach the students with the greatest needs. Secondly, our research-based curricula provide our students with the opportunity to read and write at their individual levels which allows them to gain confidence while acquiring new literacy skills. During a tutoring session, the child is reading while the trained tutor is facilitating and maximizing the learning opportunities.
Dear Reading Power Friends, old and new, 

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our program and for your dedication to Reading Power! Our dynamic tutoring program reaches and teaches more deserving students each year because of our devoted volunteers and donors.   

We are excited about the future and continue to grow and learn alongside our young students. An investment in Reading Power is an investment in a better future for us all! 

Stay tuned as we embark on our 13th year of tutoring this fall. 

Enjoy the summer months!

Kathy McFarland, PhD, CEO and Chairman
Rebecca Mullen, MSEd, Executive Director of Programs 

For more information, contact Rebecca at: 
Visit our website to see our video and learn more about  becoming  a tutor or donor !

Like us on Facebook     

"I am very happy with the Reading Power program and volunteers. They have made  a huge impact on my children."  ~Reading Power Parent

Reading Power Board of Directors
Kathy McFarland, PhD, Chairman Jim Chomko, Marilyn S. Cleeff, CPA, 
Kathleen Cowie, John Davidson,  Peter Fisher, PhD, Mary Jane Hender, EdD, 
Todd Litzsinger,  Melinda Mooney, Beverly Raudabaugh, Betsy B. Rosenfield, 
Frank Sibley, Nancy Smith, CPA,  Tad Alexander Walgreen, 
and Rev. Dr. Gordon Butcher, Emeritus

Thank you, Tutors and Donors!
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