Ready to Share
We Now Begin Our Stewardship Pledge Campaign for 2017

Dear Friend,

Thank you for all that you have done to support Good Shepherd – through contributions of your time, talent and treasure.  Now, I am personally asking you to participate in Good Shepherd’s Stewardship campaign – “Ready to Share” - by prayerfully considering and submitting your financial pledge for the coming year. We have made your response very easy for 2017. Please read on.

As a congregation and as individual members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, we are all called upon “…. to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share ….”  (1 Timothy 6:18 RSV)."   Good Shepherd has a long history of being an active community with a strong tradition of advancing our missions and ministries. 

While we have been addressing several challenges as a congregation, we can’t lose sight of the fact that we are still called to mission and have so much more to do. To realize our goals, we must all be ready to share .

This year we are again conducting a “green” and cost and environmentally sensitive Stewardship campaign.  We have set up an electronic pledge site that you can use in order to submit your pledge, which will come back to me as chair of Stewardship.  We host it through the same Lutheran-endorsed company that provides us with Simply Giving. Clicking on the button below will take you to Good Shepherd’s secure and confidential electronic pledge site. 

As you pledge you will be asked to create a profile you may use in future campaigns. This is an optional step, but we encourage you to use this profile to allow Good Shepherd to receive your offerings directly, through Simply Giving. You may even make your fulfillment automatic using either a credit card or bank account. This is important: When making your pledge, please enter the full annual amount of your pledge for each fund and the system will calculate your correct weekly, monthly, etc. gift depending on your wishes. These are all your choices.

In October we will launch a “paper” campaign reaching members who have not submitted an electronic pledge or for whom we have no email address. 

We must remember that stewardship starts by recognizing that all we are and all we have are gifts from God.  Everything that God has given to us is entrusted to our care:  “Our selves, our time, and our possessions.”  

Pledging for the upcoming year is very important in helping Good Shepherd to sustain and grow its missions and ministries.  It signals our faithful commitment to the work of the Church.  It also permits your fellow believers who sit as your chosen congregation council to plan effectively and confidently for the year ahead.  Most importantly, it demonstrates your thanks for all that God has given to you and your faithful stewardship.

So, let’s all be ready to share .


The Stewardship Committee
Rob Skrzypczak