
You've probably heard a lot about it this week.

But what is love? Real love?

1 Corinthians 13 says that love is patient and kind.

It says it does not envy and it does not boast.

It is not proud or rude.

It doesn't keep any record of wrongs.

It never delights in evil. It rejoices with truth!

It always hopes. It always protects. It always perseveres.

It never fails.

Wow! That's some kind of love!

A love that is patient? That right there is something many of us have a hard time grasping.

The patience of love. Patient with ourselves and patient with others.

Not trying to push, prod or hurry ourselves or others along.

But waiting in grace! Waiting in joy! Waiting in hope-filled, joy-filled expectation!

Let's take this one aspect of real love and meditate on it.

Ask God about it.

Read about it in His Word and ask Him about it throughout our day.

Father, what does patience look like. Right now. In this situation.

And thank Him for it!

For the never-ending, unconditional, hope-filled, joy-filled patience He embodies for you and others.

And for the never-ending, unconditional, hope-filled, joy-filled patience He is growing in you for yourself and others!

Yes, let's take the next few days, weeks and months and really focus on patience! Let's learn what it looks like and learn what it feels like!

Let's run after it whole-heartedly! Not begrudgingly, but whole-heartedly!

With a smile on our face and a spring in our step!

After all, it's something we all want and need and it's an evidence of Holy Spirit's working in our lives!

Yes! Hope-filled, joy-filled patience!

For the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Ephesians 5:22-23

Be always humble, gentle, and patient . Ephesians 4:2

Hot tempers cause arguments, but patience brings peace. Proverbs 15:18

Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient and pray at all times. Romans 12:12

You are the people of God; He loved you and chose you for His own. So then, you must clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience . Colossians 3:12

You also must be patient . Keep your hopes high, for the day of the Lord’s coming is near. James 5:8

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