Edgar Agents LLC Reason for an Amended 10-K; Filing Checklist
When a company files Form 10-K, they are providing a substantial amount of information relating to their business including risk factors and financial statements. Understandably, these files are extensive and leave plenty of room for missed or omitted information, misstatements, or other inadvertent errors. SEC Filing Agent can help the company prevent amended filing by checking exhibit index and matching with exhibits filed, checking for conformed signatures ahead of LIVE filing, and adequately inserting XBRL files.

Here is an overview of the significant reasons NYSE and NASDAQ companies gave for having to file amended 10-Ks in 2016.
For a complete checklist and how to avoid SEC glitches that cause major setbacks  please click here .
If you are still paying per page or filing, it's time to switch. Edgar Agents offers One Annual Fixed Rate for all your 34 Act regulatory filings. No more billing per page or alterations. We will process initial conversion, alterations, and SEC filings on an unlimited basis including XBRL. 

For IPO issuers, Edgar Agents offers Success/Abort Fee program. If IPO goes through with success, we bill issuer a capped rate for document processing, alterations, SEC filings, and printing. However, should your IPO be canceled for any reason, the company pays a small Abort Fee.

Wanna know more about these programs? Call us at (732) 780-5036 or email [email protected].