Portland Children's Levy Allocation Committee Meeting Recap
March 21st, 2017

Dan Saltzman, Portland City Commissioner | Lisa Pellegrino, Director
Meeting news
The Allocation Committee agreed to a two-step application and competitive funding process  for  $500,000 in new grants for after-school programs for children in grades K-5. Funding is for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years. 
The AC also decided to focus 60% of available funds for intensive academic support and 40% for enrichment programs. 

In the past, the Portland Children's Levy has used a one-step application process to grant funds. In response to feedback received after the 2014 competitive funding round, the AC agreed to pilot a two-step process where applicants first submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) in response to a call, and then a smaller pool of applicants are invited to submit a full Request for Investment (RFI) application. An LOI is typically shorter, no more than three pages, than the full RFI application, 25 pages.

Below is the projected timeline; stay tuned for u pdates sent to the PCL database and posted on the PCL website.

April 5: Issue call for LOIs. 
April 26: LOIs due to PCL; LOI review period begins.
May 17: PCL staff provides reviewer recommendations, plus any staff comment, to applicants and AC.
May 22: Public meeting to decide on which organizations will be invited to submit an RFI. 
May 26: Publish RFI.
June 26: RFI responses due; review period begins.
July 26: PCL staff provides application scores and staff recommendations to applicants and AC.
July 31-Aug 4: Schedule public meeting to make funding decisions.
Sept. 1: Grant period begins.
Grant renewals, annual data report
In other matters, AC members approved two-year  grant renewals for current investments.

Also at the meeting, PCL staff postponed an overview on annual performance data for grantees because of time constraints, but the full report:
"Investment Expectations, Results and Implications for 2015-2016" can be viewed on the website  here .  
Upcoming AC meeting info
The AC will next meet from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Monday, May 1st, 2017. AC members will vote on allocation of $4.4 million of additional accrued PCL revenues to current grantees. Location is tentatively scheduled for City Hall Council Chambers, 1221 SW 4th Ave., but may need to be moved to the Portland Building second floor auditorium, 1120 SW 5th Ave., because of construction. Updates will be sent to the PCL database and posted on the website.
Missed Tuesday's AC meeting?
Watch the Tuesday, March 21st AC meeting on cable channel CityNEt 30 at 6 p.m. Saturday, March 25th; 1 p.m. Monday, March 27th; and 9 p.m. Saturday, April 8th.

You can also watch the meeting on the YouTube link  here
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PCL Staff Contacts
Director, After School & Hunger grants
Assistant Director and Early Childhood & Mentoring grants: Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention & Foster Care Grants Manager:
Communications Director:
Fiscal Specialist:
Who We Are

The Portland Children's Levy was created by city voters in 2002 and overwhelmingly renewed by the electorate in Fall 2008 and Spring 2013. Funding for the new five-year Levy began July 1, 2014 and includes hunger relief as a new focus area.

The Levy is supported through a property tax paid by City of Portland homeowners that generates $15 million toward investments in proven programs in areas of Early Childhood, After School, Mentoring, Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention, Foster Care and Hunger Relief. The Levy reaches over 8,000 children and their families annually; in addition, Levy-funded hunger relief services provide food to over 11,000 children and 9,167 parents/caregivers annually.

The Levy is annually audited and administrative costs do not exceed 5 percent.
Questions? Contact: Call Mary Gay Broderick at 503-823-2947 or e-mail
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