Recorded Videos of: Nevada State Senate, Assembly and Clark County Commission Candidates Compete for the most widely recognized Veteran Endorsement in Nevada
"Only weak minded candidates would be influenced by the unethical behavior of a group and or individuals who have been indicating not to attend our VIP political endorsement process"

Clark County, Nevada (April 11, 2016) - - - Veterans In Politics International, Inc. (VIPI), today announced that it has endorsed eight Clark County candidates on two separate days of interviews who are running for Nevada State Senate, Assembly and Clark County Board of County Commissioners.
Endorsees include John Piro, Max Miller-Hooks, John Moore Assemblyman, Diana Orrock, Steve Sisolak County Commissioner, Stephen Harvey Munford, Victoria Seaman Assemblywoman and Kimberly Schjang.
No endorsements were made for State Senate, District 18, State Senate, District 19, State Assembly, District 1, State Assembly, District 2, State Assembly, District 3, State Assembly, District 6, State Assembly, District 7, County Commissioner, District B, County Commissioner, District C, County Commissioner, District D, State Senate, District 1, State Senate, District 3, State Senate, District 5 and State Senate, District 11.
The process was open to the public, live streamed on social media, taped, unedited no questions are known until they are asked, and no candidates are rubber stamped, no "back room deals, no financial gain, the panel members' identities are not publicly released until the day of the interviews and we do not discourage any candidates from participating in other groups endorsement process.

We are not intimidated by any other group that interviews candidates and have a fair process.

"We do not conduct private political endorsement interviews in a Nevada State tax payers building"

No one is paid to be a part of this process; we do it for love of community in an effort to educate the public on the candidates running for office.

We do not charge or make any promises to candidates for attendance to our process.
Thank you to all the candidates, panel members, VIPI members, and our Sponsors: Scott Ghormley owner of Rhythm Kitchen Restaurant; Ron Q. Foundations; Brent Jones Owner of Real Water; George Carson owner of; Kevin Wall Battle Born Radio; and many more.
On Saturday April 9th Paul Padda owner Paul Padda Law moderated the endorsement interviews.
Interview panel members included Cindy Lake Political Activist, Daphne Lee Political Activist, Jim Jonas VIP Talk Show Host, Karen Steelmon VIPI Auxiliary Director, Tim Petarra US Army, Rowena Krifaton founder of the Shine Family Foundation, Len Connell Radio Show Host, Robert Lueck former Clark County District Court Judge, Robert Foust US Army, Tellis Napper Disc Jockey and Scott Lafata Nevada State Director for Citizens for a better America.
VIPI staff member is Gia Rose Massa.
The Invocation was given by Dave Jochman Marine Corps League Detachment 186 Chaplain.
On Sunday April 10th Bob Beers Las Vegas City Councilman moderated the endorsement interviews.
Interview panel members included Cindy Lake Political Activist, Daphne Lee Political Activist, Jim Jonas VIP Talk Show Host, Karen Steelmon VIPI Auxiliary Director, Will Crespo US Air Force and retired Lt. for North Las Vegas Police Department, Tim Petarra US Army, Len Connell Radio Show Host, Robert Lueck former Clark County District Court Judge, Robert Foust US Army, Fred Conquest Executive Director for the Citizens for a better America, Tellis Napper Disc Jockey, Scott Lafata Nevada State Director for Citizens for a better America and Rob Lauer US Army.
The Invocation was given by Dave Jochman Marine Corps League Detachment 186 Chaplain.
The video of each endorsement interviews are archived and on several social media channels including our website. If you don't agree with who we have chosen to endorse, please educate yourself on the candidates.

VIPI is the only group in the State of Nevada that endorses candidates with this type of transparency. We invite every single candidate that has filed for election by using several different types of communication. No other group comes close.

Our official endorsements are below for each elected seat.

Veterans In Politics International Endorsed Candidates:
Nevada State Assembly, District 4
John Piro
Nevada State Assembly, District 5
Max Miller-Hooks
Nevada State Assembly, District 8
John Moore Assemblyman
Nevada State Assembly, District 9
Diana Orrock
Clark County Commissioner, District A
Steve Sisolak County Commissioner
Nevada State Senate, District 4
Stephen Harvey Munford
Nevada State Senate, District 6
Victoria Seaman Assemblywoman

State Senate, District 7
Kimberly Schjang

The Veterans In Politics International will video recorded their interviews for the primary and general election of all the elected candidates.
The candidates that attended are willing to meet the challenge of an interview in a bipartisan effort to reach out to the veteran community and the community as a whole.
We hope that these interviews will be helpful in the Primary and General Election by placing people in office that are knowledgeable, ethical, experienced, write laws that will benefit all Nevadans, able to put childish differences aside and do what's best for Nevadans, put others before themselves, take the oath of office seriously, apply the true meaning of "public servant" and have a vision on resolving the problems that are facing our State.
Please watch the videos that are broken down into categories for your convenience.

Saturday April 9

Garrett J. LeDuff
State Assembly, District 2 
State Assembly, District 2
Richard McArthur
John Piro 
State Assembly, District 4 
State Assembly, District 4
Tony Baca
Shannon Churchwell
Brittney Miller
Max Miller-Hooks
State Assembly, District 5 
State Assembly, District 5
John Moore Assemblyman
Norm Ross
 State Assembly, District 8 
State Assembly, District 8
Minddie LLoyd
Diana Orrock
State Assembly, District 9 
State Assembly, District 9

Sunday April 10
Steve Sisolak County Commissioner
County Commissioner, District A 
County Commissioner, District A
Larry Brown County Commissioner
Gary Hosea
County Commissioner, District C 
County Commissioner, District C
Stephen Harvey Munford
State Senate, District 4 
State Senate, District 4
Tim Hagan
Nicholas Lash
State Senate, District 5 
State Senate, District 5
Victoria Seaman Assemblywoman
State Senate, District 6 
State Senate, District 6
Kimberly Schjang
State Senate, District 7 
State Senate, District 7

Interview panel members are screened volunteers who are strictly prohibited from receiving any consideration or advice from prospective political candidates seeking an endorsement from VIPI or their opponents. Each panel member signed a "Confidentiality Agreement" and at no time can they disclose any discussions that took place during the time of voting.

Veterans In Politics International, Inc.
established in 1992:
Mission: To educate, organize, and awaken our veterans and their families to select, support and intelligently vote for those candidates whom would help create a better world, to protect ourselves from our own government(s) in a culture of corruption, and to be the political voice for those in other groups who do not have one.

Steve Sanson
President VIPI
"We know that phone calls were made to candidates not to attend our interview process, only weak minded candidates would be influenced"
Karen Steelmon
Auxiliary Director VIPI 
Candidates bowing out of the process
"There have been several Veterans' organizations forming in southern Nevada in an attempt to infringe upon and recreate what Veterans In Politics has done for the past 24 years. 
Instead of attempting to collaborate and work together with VIP, these rogue copycat organizations would rather attempt to discredit us.  Why, you ask?  The reason is simple--because VIP has exposed their underhanded, unethical, and at times illegal activities.  
Recently, a copycat organization whose name was meant to confuse the public, and unlawfully infringe upon the registered VIP name, contacted candidates offering endorsements contingent upon non-participation in the VIP endorsement process.  The organization was publicly exposed, and has subsequently re-organized under a different name. 
This type of unethical behavior is what we are all striving to eradicate from politics; but they are those among us that have crossed the line of propriety and submitted to the demands of this organization.  
VIP hosts these endorsement interviews to educate the public.  We offer a forum where panel members are permitted to vet candidates in a question and answer format, open to the public. 
If you have confirmed your attendance for the endorsement interviews, and have now offered a "scheduling conflict" as a means to back out, you either extremely bad at time management and keeping your commitments, or you may have been dissuaded from participation by the factional, rogue organization that offers rubber stamped endorsements conditioned upon exclusion. 
Either way, you probably should reconsider your competency to speak for your constituency.  
Good luck in your race".
  Vicky Maltman
Auxiliary Director VIP Northern Nevada Chapter
Dennis Egge
President VIP Hawaii Chapter
Reginald Angus Argue
President VIP Canada Chapter
"Positive changes comes from those, who are willing to stand in the middle of a political hurricane; all in an effort to protect other's basic rights and freedoms."
For more information contact Steve Sanson VIPI President 702 283 8088/ Karen Steelmon VIPI Auxiliary Director 702 238 5134 or visit
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Veterans In Politics .
Saturdays (LIVE)
2-3pm PT

Distributed By:
Veterans In Politics International
702 283 8088  
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