April 2, 2015
Dear SFIC Members:
We are partnering with the San Francisco Interfaith Council (SFIC) on the April 30th training,"Responding to Homelessness on Our Doorsteps," that will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral from 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon.
We held a similar program two years ago that drew over 200 attendees and was very well received. SFIC has been instrumental in helping the City establish the Navigation Center, a new approach that enables individuals, couples and encampment to exit street homelessness.
At times, individuals affected by homelessness and poverty seek respite in the doorways of religious institutions. This training will provide Clergy and members of your staff with an overview of resources and tools to help meet the needs of these individuals. You may also have homeless or marginally housed individuals and families in your congregations that need resources and direction.
Among the topics:
- How to access services from the SF Homeless Outreach Team (SFHOT) via (415) 734-4233
- How to make referrals to the Navigation Center through SFHOT
- Important Resources from Project Homeless Connect and Every Day Connect
- Resources to assist families facing homelessness to prevent eviction and other services for Homeless families
- Homeward Bound that helps individuals reconnect with family and return to the support of loved ones
- Housing and social services for Homeless Veterans - VASH
- Laura's Law and other resources to assist those affected by severe mental illness, including those also homeless
Having Clergy and staff understand and use these tools and resources can enable San Francisco to do a better job helping those in your community or congregations. Clergy can make powerful human connections that can enable people to move from the streets.
Please let us know if there are other topics you would like addressed or if we can help prior to this training.