Eastern Mennonite Missions, VidaNet, and Elizabethtown Mennonite Church 
Discipleship Conference 2018
Engage courageously!
Register now for Discipleship Conference 2018! Boost your passion for sharing Jesus with a day of worship, encouragement, outreach, and recommissioning back into the harvest field all around us. As we explore the conference theme, "Engage courageously," learn to surrender your fears and follow Jesus into the life He wants for you!

Friday, August 24, 7 p.m. and Saturday, August 25, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
St. Paul's United Methodist Church

Registration closes August 9. 

Questions?  Contact  Sherrie Ober  at sherrie.ober@emm.org  or 717 898-2251 ext. 235.


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Eastern Mennonite Missions
53 W Brandt Blvd, PO Box 458
Salunga, PA 17538-0458
717 898-2251 |  emm.org