Religious Education Outreach

  Dear RE families, Youth & Volunteer Leaders at UUSS,

This RE Outreach briefly explains the programs we are offering during the 2015-2016 Religious Education year. We have a handful of enthusiastic volunteers who have been working extra hard to create wonderful Sunday experiences for your children and youth. Please let me know if you have any questions. I appreciate each and every family that contributes to RE by showing up and attending with dedication. 

Nursery - ages zero through preschool 
Our youngest children are cared for by our two Childcare Providers. Krystal and Annie provide a safe, fun, and loving environment. Our nursery holds age-appropriate books, crafts and toys, while the outside play area provides opportunities for additional movement in the fresh air. Please drop off your Nursery children in our Room 11 Nursery prior to entering service. 

Spirit Play - Kindergarten through 2nd grades
This group will use the  Spirit Play curriculum in a more pure form  focusing on stories that develop their religious wonder and understanding of Unitarian Universalism. Using Montessori methods, this younger group will continue to be known as "Spirit Play". 

Spirit Play - 3rd - 5th grades 
This group will be getting a new name soon, and will focus on Unitarian Universalist Spiritual Practices as its theme for September through December. This will involve some advanced stories from the Spirit Play curriculum that illustrate UU spiritual practices, and it will involve trying out actual practices, including walking the labyrinth, yoga, music, and mindfulness meditation. The children will have a bigger role in organizing this group, starting with choosing a name for it, telling some of the stories (with your help!), and deciding on a theme for January through May.

*Both Spirit Play groups will be together for some events, such as our day in the UUrth Song CommUUnity Garden on Sunday, October 11th.  

Junior High Youth Group - 6th through 8th grades (JHYG)
The intention is to provide a space attractive to JHYG youth that encourages observations about cooperation, community, strategic problem solving, experiences of spirituality, the value of planetary resources, as well as many other large issues, not the least of which is, who am I in all of this . JHYG meets the 1st and 4th Sunday of every month only, and there is a JHYG Orientation for families this Sunday after church in Room 6.

Senior High Youth Group - 9th through 12th grades (SHYG)
SHYG contains all six components necessary for a balanced youth program: worship, youth-adult relations, community building, social action, learning and leadership. Sessions aren't strictly structured to fit one way. Sometimes they are adult-led but youth may lead a session on a topic they are passionate about. Some topics include life as a Unitarian Universalist youth, current events, social event planning and popular movies. We talk about social issues that surround our culture today as well as have fun discussions on music in our life. With advisor and ministerial permission, UUSS seniors may stay with SHYG through age 20. 

Coming of Age 
COA is a rite of passage equivalent to the Christian Confirmation or the Jewish Bat or Bar Mitzvah. COA helps adolescents discern for themselves what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, individually and as part of the larger faith community. COA is in addition to the regular youth programs at UUSS with its own monthly schedule and separate registration, now closed. It begins after church this Sunday with Rev. Roger and coordinator Irwin Rosenblum and 10 youth and their 10 adult mentors. They will be introduced to the congregation briefly at the start of the Sunday service this weekend. 

Happy new RE year!
Miranda Massa
RE Coordinator 
Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento