In this e-news, you'll information on an upcoming launch of the Copeland Forest Friends, an article by our Summer Student, as he reflects on his time with us and a review of our Water Quality project to date. So, keep on scrolling to get all of the Conservancy News!

We hope that you have had a happy and healthy summer.

Support a new Community
with the Forest at its Heart
Copeland Forest Friends

We're excited to announce that the newly-formed Copeland Forest Friends Association will officially launch
Saturday, October 3rd from 10 am to 2 pm.

Join us at the Horseshoe Resort X-C Ski parking lot for a BBQ, Naturalist Tour, Tethered Balloon Rides, and much more.

Greening & Growing the office

Renovations continue and we are really moving now. The office is transforming before our eyes every day and things are shaping up.

We're keeping a running log of some of the newsworthy renos - pictures and descriptions to explain what is going on.

You can read about the Renovation here.

You can help!

We're building for the future - both with the office renovation and by attending local community events throughout the year.

Volunteers are needed to help with the renovation and we are always looking for Ambassadors to attend events. You can read more about these jobs here.

If you are interested in lending a hand, please email Gay Guthrie.

Immersed in Conservation

Our Conservation Assistant's time with us is now complete, and what a summer it as been!

To share some of the work experiences of Cam's term at the Conservancy, he wrote an article for the Orillia Packet & Times to guide you on an adventure through the everyday life of a conservation assistant.

Read the full article to learn about the projects that Cam worked on.

Thanks to Cam for all of his great work.

Protecting our lake's lifelines

Headwaters are like the foundation of a building, and if they are compromised, so is the entire watershed. If the headwater stream stays cold year-round, it is of primary importance because it provides the larger, lower portions of the river with a steady base flow of clean water.

Fourteen volunteers are now trained and getting out testing our waterways. Learn more about this project on our website. Click here to read.