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Chuck speaking-right facing-stroked~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Letter from Chuck Colson
Report on Albuquerque rally and the collapse of ethics in America
Dear Friend,

We have two things to share with you this week.

First, we have a report from Chuck Colson on a spectacular Manhattan Declaration rally he attended in Albuquerque with Christians of all confessions from across New Mexico.

Watch this week's "Two Minute Warning" to find out why Chuck sees this remarkable event as evidence that God is building a mighty movement in defense of human life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty.

Video series
Video Series on Ethics - from Chuck Colson
Second, the collapse of ethics and the moral foundation of this country has become a hot topic, especially as the nation prepares for another election cycle. We are working feverishly to put the finishing touches on a great new video teaching series called Doing the Right Thing, a six-part exploration of ethics. We would like to encourage you to view the new trailer for this much needed series and share it with your friends. Here's the link.

Demonstrating how far ethics have deteriorated in the U.S., Thomas Friedman wrote an extremely perceptive op-ed in The New York Times entitled We're No.1(1)! Here's a link to this important piece. Friedman talks about the world catching up with America, and he states, "They are catching us because they now have free markets like we do, education like we do, access to capital and technology like we do, but, most importantly, values like our Greatest Generation had. That is, a willingness to postpone gratification, invest for the future, work harder than the next guy and hold their kids to the highest expectations."

These core values are coming under attack every day. We'll be sure to keep you informed when Doing the Right Thing becomes available. We think the video series will be a great resource for universities, business schools, churches, and Christian schools.

We could not keep moving forward without your prayers and your ongoing financial support. Thanks for all you do to help us advance truth in these perilous days.

The Colson Center for Christian Worldview

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