Hive Removal Report
Hive Removal by Montezuma Rimrock Fire Crew, Yavapai County Personnel & Local Bee Experts

After Action Report:
Job went very well. Yavapai County, Montezuma Rimrock Fire crew and I did a great cooperative effort removing two established and potentially dangerous hives from high up in the trees at Sycamore Park.  Pastor Ken Miller helped out with being my ears on the ground and videotaped the adventure. Battalion Chief Dale Duns from MRFD took many hits for the team; for some reason the bees seemed to really like him. He got bees up his sleeve and jacket at one point and had to keep working. So his arms are all swollen. But he sure had a good time. And he said they all learned a lot.
So SUCCESS, except for the poor bees, especially since they were rather nice, relatively speaking. Some of them will migrate to other colonies as they can find them. Some will just die hanging off the tree trying to get to the queen inside. But the life expectancy of a bee is only 40 days or so and a lot of the worker bees outside are older than that so they're going to die from age soon.
Great job by all as the fire department provided form and safety along with the county.
MRFD and I will be checking the area over the next couple of days for safety concerns as foraging bees will be returning over the next 48 hours or so.
BEE Well. BEE Safe Everyone!!
Bella Donna,
Apitherapist (Who does not like to kill bees, but public safety is numero uno)
Photos from Bella Donna
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