Thursday, July 27th
Responding with Joy

 51 So they shook the dust off their feet  as a warning to them and went to Iconium.  52 And the disciples  were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 13:51-52

The presence of the Holy Spirit in believers encourages us to be filled with hope, joy and peace in spite of setbacks and opposition. I believe one of the greatest testaments to God's love for us and others is by exhibiting those "fruits of the spirit" all of the time including in the midst of opposition.

In Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas have been forced to leave Antioch amidst turmoil and persecution because so many of the Gentiles were hearing the word of the Lord and seeking after God's kingdom. Instead of being thankful for this work in the life of the city, the Jewish leaders felt threatened and forced Paul down the road. Acts 13:51-52 shows Paul's response to the opposition that he and Barnabas had faced. He didn't retaliate, he didn't get angry, he didn't stir up trouble. "so they shook the dust off their feet as a warning to them and went to Iconic. And the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit."

After all of the persecution, all of the challenges, everything they had endured, they were "filled with joy..." What a wonderful scene that must have been as the disciples continued their God given work of loving others and pointing them towards Christ with joy.

We do have a choice how we respond to challenges and obstacles. We can lament and dig ourselves into a deep dark "pity" party or we can shake the dust off and move on with joy. One response illustrates the limits of human emotion and human response while the other clearly points to the hope and joy that we have in Christ. I would much rather be known for spreading hope and joy.

I recently watched my 4 year old son being a typical boy and riding dangerously on his power wheel in our yard. He ended up flipping his vehicle over and nearly hurting himself. For some kids, they would have responded with tears of fear, anger or pain but he got up laughing, smiling and ready to do it again. He had a choice in the response and although I don't want him to be reckless or dangerous, I do like that even when things don't go exactly right, he chose to respond in joyous laughter. It totally changed the scene for not only him in that moment but also the response for Allison and I as we rushed out to assist him. All of us ended up laughing at the scene instead of being upset by what happened.

Joy is a choice and even when we face opposition and trial, we can choose to move forward exhibiting joy to the world. There's no question that it most clearly shows God's presence to others when we "respond" to most every situation with a sense of joy.

Lord, help me to uncover more joy in my life. That as I seek after You and Your Kingdom, I would do it filled with joy that I may show others the wonderful ways that You reframe my circumstances as a testament to who You are and how much You love me. Amen

What is a time that you have shocked others by responding with a sense of joy to a difficult circumstance? What did your response do to the 'mood' of the situation?