Nurture spirituality. Foster compassion. Engage in service.
April Theme: Freedom
Flower Celebration!

Sun Apr 23 -- which happens to be Easter Sunday -- remember to bring a flower with you to Church.

It's our annual Flower Celebration Service!

Each member of your family is asked to bring a flower. When you come in, add your flower to the display at the front of the sanctuary.

When you depart, take a different flower with you.

Let us celebrate how we give beauty to, and receive beauty from, each other.

Practice of the Week
Week #16 
Have Faith

"Faith" has a number of angles of definition (I'm looking forward to exploring them with you when Faith is the theme of the month next September). The most common and ordinary -- most likely to be the first definition in a dictionary -- is "trust or confidence in someone or something." It turns out that having trust and confidence in our world and its constituents is good for us. At the same time, it pays to take care not to have too much faith in the wrong places.


Worship Service: "What's the Meadow For?"
Sun Apr 20 -- 10:00a

The four Gospels give us four different Easter stories.

Note: None of the gospel stories are history. (As a matter of history, Jesus probably wasn't taken down off the cross at all, but was left up there to rot for a few weeks. That was the normal Roman way.)

The stories are literary devices for conveying to us important truths. The question is: What's the metaphor? 

Important Workshops in May:
May 10 & May 17

1. Sat May 10 -- 9:30a - 3:00p
Compassionate Communication
Led by Rev. LoraKim Joyner, DVM 

"It's not enough to want to be compassionate, to want to stand for justice. We have to learn how. We have to learn the skills to hear each other with compassion.

"Cognitive brain learns quickly. Limbic brain is slow and needs a lot of practice, and it's limbic brain that needs the training."
(from "Nonviolent Social Change" sermon, Jan 19)

This workshop begins the vital training in the art of Compassionate Communication.


2. Sat May 17 -- 8:30a - 4:00p
Beyond the Golden Rule?
A New Model for Intercultural Competency

Please join me at this important workshop.

We live in a multicultural world -- and we aren't always the most skillful in doing our part to make this reality a good one for ourselves and for those who are different from us.


Cost: $20 (scholarships available). To register and pay,CLICK HERE.

Notes and Reminders

A memorial service will be held for Ilse Mertens (long-time member of CUC and spouse of Henry Mertens, who was CUC Board Chair in 1991-92) at CUC on Sun Apr 27 at 2:30.

The Prospectus for Journey Groups.

Sun Apr 20: Bird Walk with LoraKim.

* * *
Yours in the faith we share,
Rev. Meredith Garmon
The Liberal Pulpit

Meredith's sermons and other reflections. CLICK HERE.

New Posts this week:

The Blizzard and the Rope

Bring Out the Festal Bread

No Easy Thing

The Five Foundational Spiritual Practices

Journal daily.
Study daily.
Silence daily.
Group monthly.
Mindfulness always.

CUC Matters

Index page for all the articles on "CUC Matters."


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Basement Zendo

You're welcome to sit with, and hear Zen talks by, Meredith at the Basement Zendo in the Parsonage. CLICK HERE.
"Rev Garmon's 
Friday Note"

Index page for all past issues of the "Friday Note."

Nurture each other in our spiritual journeys.
Foster compassion and understanding within and beyond our community.
Engage in service to transform ourselves and our world.