Nurture spirituality. Foster compassion. Engage in service.
June Theme: Happiness/Joy
Join a Jurney Group

The first Journey Group meetings for the 2014-15 year will be in September.

Select a Journey Group and send your first choice and second choice to Liliana before Aug 15 -- but don't wait if you don't have to!

CLICK HERE to see how.

Review the Journey Group concept: CLICK HERE.

Practice of the Week
Week #25

"In daily life, pausing provides you with the gift of time. Time to let other people have their say without feeling interrupted. Time for you to find out what's really going on, calm down and get centered, sort out your priorities, and craft a good response. Time both to bring cool reason to hot feelings, and to enable wholeheartedness to soften hard-edged positions. Time for the 'better angels of your nature' to take flight in your mind."


Worship Service: Intercultural Sensitivity Is Hard!
Sun Jun 15 -- 10:00a

At the first stage, people deny there is any difference. Second stagers recognize and oppose difference. Then comes minimizing. After that is accepting. Then adapting. On this Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity, most UUs are in the middle (minimizing).

This Week on "The Liberal Pulpit"
This week "The Liberal Pulpit" has three posts drawn from our Father's Day service on Sun Jun 15.

"A Prayer for the Fathers" -- adapted from Rev. Christine Robinson. CLICK HERE.

"In Case of Rain" is the first part of the "Father Earth" sermon. CLICK HERE.

"Coach" is the second part of the "Father Earth" sermon. CLICK HERE.

* * *
Do not let a moment pass by unaware,

Rev. Meredith Garmon
The Communitarian

Jul/Aug issue of our newsletter: 

CUC Website

The website of the Community Unitarian Church at White Plains.

The Liberal Pulpit

Blog site for Meredith's sermons and other reflections.

CUC Matters

Index page for all the articles on the "CUC Matters" site.

"Rev Garmon's Friday Note"

Index page for all past issues of the "Friday Note." CLICK HERE.

Basement Zendo

You're welcome to sit with and hear Zen talks by Meredith at the Parsonage.


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2. Hover mouse over "Liked" button (without clicking). A menu will pop up.
3. Select "Get Notifications" and "Show in News Feed."
4. Select "Settings..." and select "All Updates."


On Twitter, follow "CUCWP".

The Five Foundational Spiritual Practices

Journal daily.
Study daily.
Silence daily.
Group monthly.
Mindfulness always.

Nurture each other in our spiritual journeys.
Foster compassion and understanding within and beyond our community.
Engage in service to transform ourselves and our world.