Black Friday

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

"Black Friday" -- so-called because retailers, supposedly, make a profit on that day -- begin running "in the black" -- marks the unofficial start of the "holiday season." Before I'd ever heard of "Black Friday," I knew the Friday after Thanksgiving as "Buy Nothing Day": "an international day of protest against consumerism...founded in Vancouver by artist Ted Dave and subsequently promoted by Adbusters magazine" (Wikipedia). Most of us succumb to consumerist pressure in various ways -- even though we know there are better ways to show love than by buying stuff, and that consumption drains more joy from our lives than it adds. So take a deep breath, friend. The holidays are irrevocably upon us -- with all the perennial challenge and sometimes accidental blessing thereunto appertaining.

Love and joy come to you.
Sun Dec 1 -- 10:00 Worship
"Respond to WHOSE Love?"

The living tradition we share draws from many sources. The fourth is: "Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves."

See you Sunday!

Common Read: Behind the Kitchen Door

The book tells the stories of ten restaurant workers in cities across the United States as it explores the political, economic, and moral implications of eating out. READ MORE...

Christian and UU? The UU Christian Fellowship has a local chapter that meets monthly. READ MORE...

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Voices in Unitarian Universalism. Three fascinating anthologies explore what it means to be Buddhist & UU, Christian & UU, and Jewish & UU. READ MORE...

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Unitarian Universalism must adapt or die. But what would adapting look like? READ MORE...

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Westchester United is an interfaith organization working for social justice in Westchester County. Should CUC join? READ MORE...

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Spiritual Practice. The primary starter practice is widely varying, and what works for some folks won't work for others. The five secondary, support practices are universal. READ MORE...

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List of Lists. Here are a dozen lists for understanding Unitarian Universalism and our shared congregational life together. READ MORE...

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There will be no "Friday Note" next week (Fri Dec 6). I'll see you, in this medium, again on Fri Dec 13.

Thank you for your Unitarian Universalism. Your faith lights up the world!

Yours in the faith we share,

Rev. Meredith Garmon
"C.U.C. Matters"

Meredith's draft of a general vision and plan for C.U.C.: CLICK HERE

Other Reflections: CLICK HERE.
"The Liberal Pulpit"

Meredith's sermons and other reflections. CLICK HERE.

"Basement Zendo"

You're welcome to sit with, and hear Zen talks by, Meredith at the Basement Zendo in the Parsonage. CLICK HERE.

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