Issue #010
Upcoming Events
December 9
PTA Toy Drive and Chanukah Chesed Party
See Flyer

December 13
Rabbi Sufrin giving Parenting & Parasha Shiur at Beth Jacob

December 12-14
Early Dismissal
PN-5th Regular 
6th-8th 4:00pm 
N & K HAS Only- Stay & Play until 3:45. No HAS or HW club for Pre1-5th

December 15 & 18 
School Closed

December 19 & 20
Rosh Chodesh Tevet
Early Dismissal
PN-5th Regular 
6th-8th 4:00pm 
N & K HAS Only- Stay & Play until 3:45. No HAS or HW club for Pre1-5th

December 25
Bank Holiday
School Closed

December 28
Asara B'Tevet
Early Dismissal
6-8 1:00pm
P1-5 2:00pm
PN-K Regular
No After 
School Programs

January 1, 2018
Bank Holiday
School Closed

Hillel PTA
Give your children the gift of healthy food. A fun and enjoyable treat! Fruit cart sign-up entitles your student to a bag of fresh fruit once a week during the entire school year. Fruit cart is available for  Grades Pre-1 to 8   on Wednesday  mornings.  Sign up online here  for the remainder of the year.

Co-Sponsor a Rosh Chodesh Breakfast for the teachers and staff in in honor of your child's bar mitzvah, birthday, or teacher; or in honor or memory of someone you love. The teachers  really appreciate  this gesture ! The next Rosh Chodesh teacher breakfast will be Tuesday December 19, but you can sign up online in advance for any month. $100, or add multiple times to your cart to contribute $200 or $300 if desired. 


Your birthday child will get to choose a new book for the library with a dedication to him or her inside, check it out first, and have their picture proudly on display in the library.  Kids love to see their names in the books!   Excess funds will be used for recreational supplies like games, balls, hula hoops and jump ropes. 

The next birthday celebration will be Tuesday, December 26th.

Parnas Hayom

Parnas   HaYom  is a beautiful way to honor a yarzheit, merit a refuah shelemah, or celebrate a simcha. Dedicating the Torah learning of students at Hillel to mark an occasion helps us to imbue both a love of learning and appreciation for the value of Torah scholarship.

December 5
... is in  loving memory  of Sam Cross Shmuel ben Baila z"l    on the occasion of his  yartzeit.  His children are the children of Hillel.
May the learning of Hillel's students be a zechut to his memory & may his neshama have an aliyah.


If you are interested in sponsoring a Parnas HaYom please  email  [email protected]
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Parashat Vayeshev 5778
Friday, December 8, 2017
20 Kislev 5778
The הנני Hineini Leader
By Rabbi Sufrin, Head of School

In Parashat וישב Vayeshev ( Bereishit 37:13) Yaakov requests that Yosef travel to Shechem where his brothers were tending to the family's sheep. When Yaakov makes this request initially, he offers no explanation to Yosef as to the purpose of this mission. Both Yaakov and Yosef were well aware that his brothers did not feel so fondly toward him. Why does Yaakov make such a cryptic and difficult request of his favorite son? And why, only after hearing his response, does Yaakov offer Yosef a more detailed description of why he is asking Yosef to make this trip?

Our Sages tell us that, out of all of Yaakov's children, Yosef was his favorite because he was most similar to him. Specifically, the Midrash tells us that Yaakov recognized Yosef's physical features as resembling his own. Yet Yaakov was unsure if those likenesses were more than skin deep. If Yosef was destined to assume Yaakov's role as the leader of the next generation, Yaakov needed to know with full confidence that Yosef possessed the same internal qualities as Yaakov and his parents. Most important of these qualities is מסירות נפש mesirut nefesh - the ability to humbly take on challenges that seem unusually difficult. Would Yosef be willing to risk his well-being to fulfill a mission that he would not completely understand? Hence the reason that Yaakov made this vague request.

Yaakov asked the question and Yosef responded "הנני hineini Here I am." With this response, Yaakov was assured that Yosef had the intrinsic qualities of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs and knew that he was worthy of the mantle of leadership. Yosef's declaration of הנני hineini illustrated to Yaakov that their similarities went far beyond the physical, and that Yosef would be able to lead the Jewish nation with all its inherent challenges. It is with this realization that Yaakov elucidates for his son the purpose of Yosef's mission and asks that he report on his brothers' wellbeing.

Each of us possess character traits that exemplify the middot of our forefathers. May we always seize the opportunities to say "הנני hineini Here I am." Emulating the מסירות נפש mesirut nefesh of Yosef, we all have the ability to be leaders and influence the world around us in positive ways. 
A beautiful evening at the 70th Anniversary Scholarship Banquet! More pictures are coming soon! 

Here are the videos to enjoy now! 

* Hillel 70th Anniversary Video: 

* Gottlieb-Barak Honoree Video: 

* Hoenig Honoree Video: 

Student Choice Versus Student Third Grade Inspired by Cezanne's 
By Lillian Douek

Each year, art class aims to introduce and study various art masters. This year, the third grade learned about Paul Cezanne and his famous apple still-lifes. Through his inspiration, students focused on specific standards to create their own still-life paintings. Initially, group observations and discussions took place. Students recognized the details, brush strokes, and various mixes of colors that Cezanne applied to his work. Individually, each student applied his or her knowledge arranging a centerpiece of cut paper apples, which they then drew and painted to mimic the talent of the artist Cezanne. Numerous materials were utilized in the creation of the artwork, including paper, water colors, glue, scissors, and brushes of different sizes. It was exciting to see students take ownership over their works of art. Each piece is unique and beautiful and can be seen on our wall display outside the art room. We look forward to learning about additional masters in art such as Picasso, Van Gogh and Chagall as we grow as artists this year.

Collaboration in Science
Erik Denning, Middle and Elementary School Science Teacher

Most of the 6th grade science curriculum includes some amount of collaborative learning. Such learning has many benefits. When students work together, it builds self-esteem and confidence. Students are able take on roles that appeal to their learning style and know that the entire project is not resting on their shoulders alone. Collaboration uses a team approach to problem solving while maintaining individual accountability. It resembles real-life social and employment situations, and compels students to consider the ideas of others and to compromise. As we know, compromising isn't always easy.

Working collaboratively in science allows students to use a variety of thinking strategies to approach different kinds of problems. We all carry different keys to the locks we encounter in scientific problems. Allowing for multiple perspectives and interpretations can prevent the unintentional biases that may rise when working alone. Science students need to learn to collaborate now, because the problems they encounter when they are older are going to be more challenging and more technically demanding. A scientist working in isolation is very uncommon and not very productive.

Students tend to enjoy collaborative work because it allows them to socialize and to communicate ideas. Collaboration is fun! In the classroom, collaborative activities usually allow more movement and more creative opportunities, in an environment designed for active, involved, exploratory learning . We can use collaborative work situations to take students out of their comfort zones and team them with classmates they would not normally choose to work with. Because they can benefit students in so many ways, strong collaborative, cooperative learning skills are valuable beyond science class and beyond school!
70 to Israel! 70 to Hillel!
Morah Tamar Levran-Galai, Elementary School Ivrit Teacher

This year at Hillel, one of our major goals is to focus on Ivrit speaking skills, namely conversational communication, while embeddingthe fundamentals of the language in a day-to-day experience. The students practice questions and answers regarding daily routine interactions, such as greetings, weather, student education and individual information.
This year, honoring the significant establishment of the State of Israel as well as Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy, we are involved in an Israel-inspired curriculum, designed to foster an authentic connection to Medinat lsrael and Ivrit. Throughout the year, students will explore the legacy of Benjamin Ze'ev Herzl and Eliezer Ben-Yehuda during our Ivrit lessons. The past month was filled with meaningful Jewish and Zionist learning, and I am very excited and honored to join the Hillel family and the Ivrit team during this distinguished and meaningful year!

Join the Hillel PTA on Saturday, December 9th at 6:30pm in the cafeteria along with your friends and the Hillel community for a FREE party to wrap gifts, bring the joy of Chanukkah to the children at Chai Lifeline, enjoy pizza and sufganiot, music, and dreidel competitions. Fun for all ages! Sponsors are needed! Link to more information:   

J oin the Hillel family Chanukah tradition and give a gift to the teachers and staff at our school who work so hard day in and day out for our children. The suggested donation is $36 per child, although we encourage you to give what you feel is appropriate.  Those who participate will have their name included on the gift cards. We are aiming for 100% participation-  a little bit is better than none at all. We hope to give a generous gift to the teachers and ENTIRE staff at Hillel. 
Link to pay online: or you can send by Venmo @Hillel-PTA or drop off a check at the Oakhurst office. Either way, be sure to include your child's (or children's) name and grades!!!