Rock the World with Hope (part 2)
Last week, I wrote about rocking our world with hope. Real hope. The type of hope that you and I possess as children of Almighty God. The type of hope that the people around us so desperately need.

This week, I want to share with you a story. A story of a family. A story of many families. A story of the family of God rocking the world with hope.
"This story spans almost three years. When the seed was planted in our hearts we had one goal: employ single mothers and widows so they could provide for their families.

The agriculture sector was the most logical based on the demographics of our area. In the first 18 months we tried, on several occasions, to negotiate agreements to acquire or lease property to get the project off the ground. All attempts failed for one reason or another.  

We found ourselves frustrated, wondering if this crazy dream would ever come to fruition. In retrospect, we're so thankful that each attempt fell through. Our vision was way too small. Our faith was way too small..."

Whether God calls you to be a catalyst for hope in your home, your workplace, your neighborhood or another country, we are all called to be bringers of the true and lasting hope that is found in Jesus Christ alone!

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.   Ephesians 3:20
Dates & Times to Remember               
Community Prayer Walk
Date: October 10
Time: 9:45 am
Contact:  Dawn
Basics of Cooking
Date: October 17
Time: 10 am
Contact: Janine

Other Information               
Candlelight Prayer House
Find out all the latest info, including our updated schedule on the  Candlelight Prayer House website .

The Greenhouse 
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