Development Engineering Quarterly Newsletter
Volume  I - July 2017.  
Staying Connected
You are reading the first edition of the Development Engineering Newsletter, a publication that highlights information that matters most to you — the San Antonio development community — helping you to stay up to date with what's going on at SAWS. You'll receive updates to processes, specifications, regulations and developments on our upcoming web portal.

We hope you find this publication helpful, and if you have suggestions for information you'd like to see in upcoming issues, just let us know .
Manhole Rings and Covers

Click the button below to see the memo (pdf). 

General Construction Notes
SAWS General Construction Notes have been updated to:

  • Combine all notes into one document

  • Verify correct contact information for SAWS departments and outside agencies

  • Ensure that notes are consistent with the standard specs
Utility Service Regulations 
To stay up to date on all SAWS Utility Service Regulations, as well as to receive the latest information memos from SAWS Development Engineering, please click on the button below. 
SAWS Development Portal
June 28 marked the first meeting with the Development Portal Focus Group. Tasked with providing input as SAWS moves forward with launching an online permit tracking system, the focus group brings together members of the home building, development, contracting and engineer communities with SAWS staff.

The group received a demonstration of Infor's Public Sector permit module, the system SAWS currently uses to track and issue permits, and together prioritized functions for the future web portal.

SAWS hopes to provide convenient online access to permits, impact fee payments and other associated developer permit processes to the development community by early 2018.

How are we doing?
Do you have some feedback you'd like to share? Please be sure to give us your thoughts by utilizing our online survey