SFIC Offers Prayers and Encourages Support for 
Aid Response to the Nepal Earthquake

April 27, 2015



As the world mourns the loss of the more than 3,600 people who perished in Saturday's devastating earthquake, the San Francisco Interfaith Council (SFIC) joins our City's communities of faith in offering up prayers for the people of Nepal, the deceased, survivors, concerned family members and loved ones. We also pray for the rescue and aid workers who selflessly and courageously are responding to this crisis.
Throughout San Francisco, many houses of worship have or will extend the invitation to make an offering to support the critical and time sensitive on-the-ground aid work being undertaken. In addition to these appeals, for those wishing to make online donations to the agency of their choice, we direct your attention to the "Humanitarian Aid" link on the SFIC website.


For additional information, please contact Michael G. Pappas at (415) 425-9631.