No. 18

in #DowntownNHV 
Season's Greetings 
Wishing you health and happiness
this Holiday Season and
a prosperous, joyful New Year

from your friends at Town Green District

Win, Chris, Matthew, Lindsey, Charlotte
What's New?
Give Change to Make Change
Have you noticed the brightly colored meters in Downtown New Haven? They're part of the Give Change to Make Change Program unveiled at a press conference on December 12, 2016 at New Haven's City Hall.

The program encourages the public to deposit change into select meters in Downtown New Haven and funds directly support outreach programs in the City. The program is meant to encourage people to "Say Yes to Giving and No to Panhandling." Read More. 
Welcome to Downtown New Haven
As Downtown New Haven comes to the close of 2016, the fourth quarter welcomed EIGHT new businesses to the our streets.

Queen Zuri, 230 College St.; Olives & Oil, 124 Temple St.; PhoKet Peo, 21 Temple St.; Home City, 833 Chapel St.; Downtown News & More, 231 Orange St.; Donut Crazy, 290 York St.; Webster Bank, 204 College St.; and Key Bank, 100 Elm St.

Thank you for Making it Happen Here!
What's Trending?
Holiday Budgets are Set in Pencil Not Stone.
Consumers keep a tight grip on their wallets over the holidays, right? Maybe not.

Despite their lists and budgets, NRF's survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics found 40 percent of consumers spent at least $50 more than they originally planned during the 2015 holidays. One in eight shoppers went more than $200 over budget. Read More.
Driving Shopper Engagement
Digital shopping has gone from a trend to a way of life. This, according to  Synchrony Financial's Sixth Annual Digital Study , shows a dramatic rise in digital shopping, with almost 70% of the U.S. taking part in this now mainstream activity.

In the past year, Synchrony has seen increases in the use of digital and social tools in almost every category. Read More.

Organized Retail Crime Survey
National Retail Federation's Organized Retail Crime survey, now in its 12th year, serves a benchmark for retailers to collectively measure the impact of ORC. This survey has reinforced the importance of partnerships between retailers, law enforcement and policymakers.

For the first time, 100 percent of retailers surveyed believe their companies have been victims of organized retail crime, and 83 percent said ORC activity had increased in the previous 12 months.

For complete report, visit This report includes: Impact of ORC on retailers, New trends in ORC, Retail strategies to combat ORC, Legislation to combat ORC.
In the News
Wet Noodles by Daily Nutmeg highlights Mecha Noodle Bar on Crown Street. Read More. 
Queen Zuri
Queen Zuri Reigns on College Street. New Haven Independent reports... Read More.